Unhealthy introversion: how to overcome your embarrassment?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

There are times when everyone can be uncomfortable.

However, some are subject to a shyness which is very troublesome on a daily basis, paralyzing.

How to overcome your embarrassment when you suffer from such a degree of shyness? The solution.

Unhealthy shyness

The sickly shyness, a deep anxiety

It is normal to feel shy.

It can be a kind of protective reflex, for example in the face of an unusual situation or in the presence of a crowd of strangers.

However, when shyness becomes very troublesome on a daily basis, it can be described as unhealthy and it is important to act.

Shyness arises from anxiety, often from fear of judgment by others.

It calls into question the ability to meet an expectation.

This anxiety is not always justified, but it induces many annoying symptoms such as sweaty hands, redness, tremors, broken voice, sweating, nausea, dizziness, breathing difficulties.

It can even lead to avoidance and withdrawal behavior which generates a inner malaise.

Overcome your embarrassment by doing work on yourself

It is possible to work on oneself to less feel this invading embarrassment that occurs at key moments in life.

For example, putting yourself in a situation and talking about your fears makes it possible to play down, to relativize.

It is also important to live in the present moment, not to anticipate too much what could happen, on the judgment that others could possibly make, because we do not control these data.

The breathing meditation can help …

It is about feeling the state of mindfulness.

It allows you to let your thoughts go freely, while feeling every part of your body perfectly.

This is possible by controlling his breathing.

Breathing also plays a role in controlling emotions.

But shyness is the consequence of poorly controlled emotions: fear and anxiety.

Relax the diaphragm to free itself

The diaphragm is the muscle of respiration.

Under the impact of the emotional shocks felt, it contracts, to protect the heart in particular.

Releasing the diaphragm therefore relieves both body and mind, better manage emotions and be less impeded on a daily basis.

The release of the tense diaphragm involves controlled breathing.

Because if the diaphragm is contracted, it is because breathing has become disordered, under the effect of all these emotions felt in excess.

It is possible to work on your breath to normalize it.

He must find his natural rhythm.

The air and energy flows will be able to circulate again unhindered, the body will be better oxygenated.

It is important to master the technique of regulating breathing, to alleviate shyness at first, then in prevention to be able to prevent any relapse in the second time.

Loris Vitry, breathing coach, gives us his precious advice to normalize breathing in his complete and free video workshop.

He is the designer of the method of intermittent breathing.

During 7 instructive videos, he points out the main disturbances and advises on how to remedy them.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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