TIPI method does not work: what to do instead ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

The TIPI method is supposed to allow you to better manage your various fears, your phobias or other problems of the daily life which prevent you from having a normal life.

It can be the fear of the dark, of spiders, of heights, of taking the subway or others.

TIPI Method

Most people have something to hold them back and very often these fears are subconscious.

In addition, these phobias have an important role as our personal development.

Indeed, it can block us at work, in our private quickly and it prevents us from being fulfilled and happy.

We put the brakes on and that increases stress.

It can be the result of a bad experience during our childhood or even later in our life.

But this situation has deeply marked us and prevents us from moving forward thereafter.

Is the TIPI method effective in fighting our fears?

To better understand this method, you must already know how it works.

The latter aims to modify our perception of things to fight against our most buried fears deep inside us.

The TIPI method uses our sensory memory to fight against our anxieties.

You have to be able to transform a fear that is in an emotion into something sensory.

This technique will therefore work on deactivating our memory to forget our fears related to the past.

When a person achieves this result then your problem will definitely go out of your memory.

Thus, you will find a more healthy and normal life.

To use this method, you have to start by remembering a very specific fact otherwise it will not work.

In addition, this bad experience must be real and concrete, for example a job interview that goes wrong or you had your throat tied.

If you do not manage to define this precise moment, the TIPI method will not be of any use to you, which is why it is not uncommon for it to be ineffective.

Indeed, we can have a phobia of water without remembering a specific moment or why we have this fear.

Breathe well to fight against phobias

The TIPI method has several limitations as we have just seen because it is not uncommon to no longer remember an exact moment that could have caused us a phobia.

You can be afraid of dogs without really knowing the reason.

But in general, when we find ourselves in a situation of panic it increases our stress and therefore we will breathe less well.

Bad breathing starts with our diaphragm getting blocked and we have a feeling of suffocation.

To regain good breathing, you must know how to relax this muscle by adopting better breathing.

This will allow you to always be able to better manage your anxieties.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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