The metamorphic massage technique

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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The phobia has significant repercussions at the psychological and physical level.

It causes harmful tensions.

To alleviate tension and therefore phobia, massages can be regenerative, in particular thanks to the metamorphic technique.

Metamorphic Massage Technique

Designed by Saint-John, the metamorphic massage technique is similar to a combination of traditional Chinese medicine, osteopathy and reflexology.

It is based on the objective of returning to the same state of mind as at the start, when we were still only fetuses and our development was refined, in particular the reptilian brain, storing and classifying emotions according to two notions: dangerous or safe.

Because the phobia often arises from traumas and emotional shocks undergone during our life.

Those felt from a young age to entering adulthood are particularly decisive.

The fetus, although still evolving, also feels emotions in utero.

Sounds, noises, shocks, movements are familiar to him and the reptilian brain under construction is imbued with them.

By returning to the source, to the creation, the emotion can be re-evaluated, corrected.

Prenatotherapy to overcome panic fears

The technique of metamorphic massage, also called prenatotherapy, can therefore be used to overcome his phobias and panic fears.

Overcoming your phobias requires cleaning the reptilian brain, in order to free the mind from all emotional blockages that have arisen as a result of psychological and physical shocks.

The metamorphic massage consists of pressing on the neuralgic points of the body, at the level of the hands, feet and head.

Stimulation of these points upsets the emotional blockages retained in the reptilian brain.

Because the body and the mind are linked, and each has its own power of self-healing.

The reptilian brain can then be cleaned of its unconscious blockages, the emotions released.

Prenatotherapy can be part of a therapy to release emotional blockages.

It is an exercise in introspection, a plunge into the depths of oneself, of one's true being that is initiated by this process.

It can therefore be done in self-therapy.

The Emotions Detox program that I designed through my personal and professional experiences is complete.

It gives you the means to access your reptilian brain to clean it and effectively free it of all the blocked emotions that clutter it up.

My free video workshop introduces you in more detail to the Tremor Yoga Emotional Block Release Therapy, Emotion Detox.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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