Tantric Hatha Yoga : best Classes and Exercises ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Many people seek Tantric Hatha Yoga classes to learn the secret exercises of Tantrism or the special positions taught by Tantra.

Indeed, there are very powerful techniques that allow you to develop a great, a great energy.

Hatha Yoga Tantric

There are what are called the Maha Mudras, the great mudras, or the great outfits of the body which are tantric postures specially designed by the yogis to develop a maximum of Prana and quite simply for awakening Kundalini, the sexual energy.

But unfortunately, or rather fortunately, it is not on the Internet that you will learn these techniques because they are far too dangerous to practice them alone at home.

But on the other hand, there are many less dangerous practices which are compulsory preparatory practices!

And believe me, there is already plenty to do!

How to do Tantra Yoga exercises?

First of all, one must understand the objective of Tantric Hatha Yoga.

Its only goal is the absolute union of Shakti and Shiva, consciousness and energy.

To do this, the yogi will go to address the greatest energy of this world: the sexual energy (kundalini).

This energy is located at the base of the spine and it corresponds to the first two chakras of the base, themselves connected to the animal reptilian brain.

The objective of the yogi will be to raise Kundalini but especially to channel it well so that it offers us powers and that we can increase our spiritual-power.

But beware, as much it will be necessary to practice the exercises of awakening of the energy, as much it will also be necessary to learn to calm Kundalini which can literally destroy your nervous system if you are not prepared for it.

Strengthen your nervous system and remove emotional blockages

This is the reason why I always advocate strengthening your nervous system but above all improving your cognitive conditioning by learning to free yourself from negative emotions for example, which are real brakes when you want rising spiritually.

This is an essential step before wanting to take tantric hatha yoga classes to do Tantra exercises!

Tantra is reserved only for people who have FIRST prepared the ground!

Tantrism training: sexual transmutation

As a Tantric Yoga teacher, I am offering you a free video workshop to talk to you about sexual transmutation which is the ancient art of transforming your sexual energy into spiritual energy.

This is exactly the goal of tantric hatha yoga.

But rather than giving you kundalini yoga classes with too powerful and dangerous exercises, I prepared a step-by-step training to already prepare the ground (nervous system) but especially to dislodge the emotional blockages that could hinder the rise of energy.

Externalizing one's repressed negative emotions is an essential step of the Tantric Yogi because you will realize that Kundalini only awakens in a healthy body, a strengthened nervous system and ready to welcome the Supreme Goddess!

It is only in a healthy body that the supreme union can take place, between Energy and consciousness!

But before the long-awaited romantic relationship, you must undertake the great inner cleansing to begin your sexual transmutation.

I'll explain everything in the free video workshop!

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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