Severe sleep apnea : what solution ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Sleep apnea or OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome) can have serious consequences in your life.

Sleep apnea is simply a problem with breathing while sleeping.

This is because the upper airways become blocked and it is therefore impossible to be able to breathe.

This is very embarrassing because we no longer sleep and therefore we can develop other symptoms such as stress or even depression.


To better understand how sleep apnea happens, you need to know that air can no longer go to the lungs.

Air blockage comes from soft tissues such as the tongue or other muscles that relax during sleep.

These then obstruct the passage of air and we find ourselves in apnea.

This can wake us up several times a night, preventing us from getting a good, restful sleep.

What new treatment for sleep apnea?

The first thing to do is to follow a thorough sleep examination to better analyze the apneas and above all to offer the patient adequate treatment.

The most commonly used medical treatment today is called continuous positive pressure spontaneous ventilation.

To better understand what it is, it is a method that allows you to leave the throat open with strong pressure so that the airways do not close.

This therefore allows the air to circulate well and the patient no longer has any apnea problems.

For this solution, you have to use a mask that you have to put on your face.

This mask is connected to the pressure system.

To learn how to use it properly, it is advisable to take therapeutic education courses.

Most often this takes place in the hospital.

Another newer method is to use radio frequencies which aim to shrink the tissue of the tongue or throat in order to leave more room for the air to circulate more easily.

The latest medical method to fight against severe sleep apnea is to put on a mandibular advancement orthosis.

This is especially recommended for people who have difficulty using the device for continuous positive airway pressure.

This type of orthosis is new and its main advantage is that it becomes softer with the heat.

The goal is to stretch the pharynx in order to breathe better at night.

The airways are then no longer blocked and air can circulate well.

But there is a really powerful alternative solution.

How to breathe so as not to suffocate in your sleep?

Stress, depression and severe fatigue are the main syndromes of sleep apnea.

We always feel tired, we don't want anything anymore, we are very often in a bad mood.

In short, it quickly becomes very complicated to manage.

However, to manage this, you have to know how to release your diaphragm using a good method of breathing.

Knowing how to breathe well will allow you to find a more balanced life.

Obviously, sleep apnea is a problem with breathing.

By improving your breathing, you can relieve or even in some cases completely eliminate sleep apnea so that you can sleep without having to wake up because of a feeling of suffocation.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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