Post traumatic stress : what natural treatment ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Post traumatic stress is stress that appears following a traumatic event such as a death, an accident, an assault, an attack or others.

We speak of traumatic when an individual has been in direct confrontation with death, the fear of dying or when there is a strong threat to physical integrity.

The person also felt a very great fear, the fact of feeling helpless and horrified by what is happening to him.

Post Traumatic Stress

Unfortunately, there are many people who have already been directly affected by a traumatic event such as having been the victim of rape, hostage-taking, burglary with weapons, etc.

Some have managed to heal of this shock but about 10% are victims of post traumatic stress.

These figures may vary according to the person's sex, certain physical and psychological criteria of the individual and especially the nature of the act itself.

What solution to cure chronic post traumatic stress disorder?

First of all, it should be remembered that the symptoms can be different.

They can be classified into three groups.

The person relives the shock at all times of the day or night.

The individual avoids by all means redoing things that would be likely to remind him of the traumatic event.

She becomes very careful with extreme vigilance even if there is no danger.

There are several methods to deal with this stress which vary depending on the person.

For some, it will be necessary to undergo behavioral and cognitive therapy in order to relearn him to live normally.

This therapeutic treatment can be done alone or in a group.

Often, medication is needed to treat the person.

It is about taking antidepressants in order to relieve stress and to avoid great depression.

Following sessions with a psychoanalyst can help to fight against post traumatic stress.

Psychoanalysis allows you to overcome your fears.

The most important thing after such a shock is to never be alone.

You also have to talk a lot about it to your loved ones so as not to keep everything in yourself.

It is important to avoid consuming alcohol or drugs without medical advice.

Get back on track with your life by redoing your hobbies to relieve stress.

We must especially not stop living even if it is very hard.

It is a long road to successfully treating post traumatic stress.

But there is a faster way.

How to breathe to recover from trauma from the past?

Breathing is an essential factor in managing stress.

When a person experiences a very severe shock, their diaphragm becomes blocked and breathing becomes more complicated.

Energy no longer circulates, emotions are no longer evacuated and remain trapped in the body.

It is therefore necessary to relearn how to have good breathing to let out stress and anxiety.

To get there, the only solution is to unblock the diaphragm.

To find out how, there is the video workshop below which offers you to understand how to breathe better and how to free yourself from too much emotional stress.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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