Pain in the rib cage: what to do?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Chest and sternum pain is a specific type of pain with a strong psychological impact.

Although sometimes the condition can be mild, most of the time it is advisable to see a specialist to determine the origin.

Pains in the rib cage have various origins and the way you deal with them depends on the origin of the pain.

Pain in the rib cage

What are the right attitudes to adopt when dealing with chest and sternum pain?

Find the answer in the rest of this article.

The pain is muscular: what to do?

The build-up of lactic acid in the pectoral and back muscles as a result of muscle exercises, especially in weightlifting, can be a cause of pain.

In this case, a sports massage is a good solution as well as taking painkillers.

It is also important to ensure that you eat a balanced diet of amino acids, proteins, fats and carbohydrates to speed up muscle rebuilding.

The pain is due to the lack of oxygenation: what to do?

The phrase "being out of breath" expressly explains the condition that induces the sharp pain in the chest.

This is because you may experience a stinging pain in your chest after running hard and for a long time.

This is due to the shortness of breath caused by heavy exertion.

Faced with this type of pain, you must:

  • stop the effort immediately,
  • walk a few seconds,
  • ventilate your body,
  • lie flat on your back,
  • breathe deeply.

As soon as you catch your breath, hydrate yourself.

The pain is of cardiac origin: what to do?

If the pain manifests as a sudden, violent, crushing sensation that gives off heat waves in the neck, jaw, shoulders and arms (especially on the left side), the origin is most likely cardiac.

This type of pain lasts for several minutes, intensifies with physical exertion and decreases with rest.

When faced with pain of this kind, only the advice of a doctor after consultation will allow you to do the right thing.

The origins are diverse.

A heart attack or myocardial infarction

Some specialists advise in this case to prick the end of each finger with a needle to draw a little blood in order to regulate the flow.

As a preventive measure, you should swallow an aspirin tablet before falling asleep.

Angina pectoris or angina

It is an insufficient blood supply to the heart.

In this case, the pain is typically located behind the breastbone and triggered by exertion.

If you have angina, you will need to carry a nitro compound with you at all times.

Regardless of the form (sublingual spray, tablets), it is a medicine that is recommended to be used when pain occurs.

Obviously, it does not exempt you at all from taking antianginal and analgesics prescribed by your doctor.

Apart from the causes, chest pain can also be digestive (gastric reflux).

In this case, there is a sharp burn that goes up from the chest to the larynx.

It is necessary to take tablets to facilitate digestion (under prescription only).

The bottom line is that, regardless of the source of your chest pain, it is also important to stop smoking immediately and without delay.

Also, keep in mind that a blockage of the diaphragm can also cause chest pain.

It is therefore important to release it to reduce or even eliminate your pain.

You can therefore watch this free video workshop which gives you a lot of advice.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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