Nosocomephobia: How to cure phobia of hospitals?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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The hospital is a place where we strive to cure or support patients towards the alleviation of their suffering, whatever their pathology.

However, this purpose is sometimes obscured by the ailments that can still be felt, or the deaths that are unfortunately noted.

While it is very common to be anxious before hospitalization, some people develop a real phobia towards the hospital sector, which is called nosocomephobia.

Overcome the Phobia of Hospitals

The reptilian brain analyzes hospitalization as a dangerous situation, painful and potentially with an unfortunate outcome.

It can be linked to having seen your child hospitalized, having had side reactions following treatment or having been confronted with the death of a loved one, for example.

This phobia can also be coupled with other irrational and uncontrolled fears, such as the phobia of injections or the fear of catching a nosocomial disease.

The fear of not waking up after general anesthesia is also common.

This interpretation is often linked to a difficult experience in the past of nosocomephobic.

The events of the past have intensely marked the mind, the unconscious, to the point of leading to an emotional blockage.

However, it is not mandatory to continue to live with this phobia, which can jeopardize the maintenance of good health when the fear is so intense that nosocomephobia can postpone or cancel care or screening.

How to overcome fear of hospital (medical phobia)?

Medical phobia can indeed be overcome. To cure it durably, a cleaning of the reptilian brain is essential, which must make it possible to release the emotional blockages.

It is not a question of denying one's past; it is necessary to accept it since it is part of us.

The objective is to give it back its place, so that it has less influence on today's decisions.

By releasing your blocked emotions, the phobia of hospitals can be overcome.

The cleansing of the reptilian brain can be achieved by self-detox therapy, which will release all your emotional blockages.

Yoga Therapist and Breathing Coach, I have drawn on my professional and personal experiences to design emotional blockade release therapy that will help you overcome your fear of hospitals.

I present to you my complete program "Emotion Detox" in a free video workshop.

Based on a yoga method of trembling, the sequence of postures allows you to release your emotions from the subconscious where they are locked up, in other words the reptilian brain.

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Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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