Noisy breathing: how to breathe more calmly?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Loud breathing results in an abnormal noise made during inspiration and expiration.

This pathology is often a characteristic symptom of asthma.

It also occurs in other clinical contexts such as stress, anxiety, etc.

Noisy breathing

Fortunately, there are some effective tips to calm her down.

Here are the practical ways to help you breathe more calmly.

Practice abdominal breathing

Abdominal breathing is a very effective exercise that will allow you to breathe more calmly.

This activity generally stresses the stomach.

To practice this breathing exercise, you need to sit comfortably in a chair and place your hands on your stomach.

You should then breathe in oxygen for 3 seconds while inflating your belly.

After that, you will hold the air for another second.

Finally, you can breathe out slowly by releasing the air through your mouth while letting your stomach deflate.

In case of noisy breathing, it is recommended to practice this breathing exercise at least 2-3 times a day.

Try altered breathing

The altered breathing is an exercise that involves balancing the nervous system while learning to breathe through the nostrils.

This activity is very beneficial for quickly resolving respiratory problems including noisy breathing.

In addition, it allows you to enjoy perfect health and regenerative sleep on a daily basis.

It is also effective in restoring nervous calm and in reducing tension.

If you want to practice this exercise, you must start by plugging your right nostril with your ring finger and exhaling through the left nostril.

Do this for a minute.

Then, you must then resume the exercise by blocking your left nostril with your thumb to breathe through the right nostril.

You have to do this and so on for at least 1 minute.

To complete the exercise, you need to breathe slowly through both nostrils.

Do cardiac coherence

The cardiac coherence is a relaxation exercise which consists of control your heartbeat.

Thus, it is an effective solution to solve the problems of noisy breathing.

Likewise, it allows you to have a more stable emotional state, while reducing your anxiety.

It is also a technique which considerably reduces stress.

To practice this exercise, you must start by breathing slowly.

After that you will take a deep breath for 6 seconds.

Then you will release the air during an exhalation that will last 6 seconds.

Note that you must repeat this exercise 5 times in succession over 5 minutes.

Practice breathing with visualization

One of the best ways to breathe more calmly is to combine visualization with breathing.

This exercise is done with your eyes closed or half closed.

Its purpose is to imagine beneficial elements of nature while performing breathing exercises.

You can also represent in your mind a pleasant memory or a pleasant object.

In short, you need to immerse yourself in positive thinking while exercising.

The best posture for doing this exercise is to stand.

Once in this posture, you should keep your eyes closed and then breathe in deeply for 5 seconds, while visualizing joyous events or facts in your life.

After that, you will breathe out through your mouth to expel negative thoughts.

It is strongly recommended to repeat this exercise until you feel a feeling of well-being.

Likewise, it is best to practice this exercise every night before going to sleep or every morning before heading to work.

Learn to relax your diaphragm

To breathe calmly, it is also essential to learn to relax your diaphragm by doing simple and practical exercises.

For this purpose, you can sit comfortably on a chair and place both hands at the solar plexus level precisely inside the ribs.

You can then inhale deeply and lean forward as you exhale.

Afterwards, you will relax until your arms touch your thighs.

You must take the time to do several cycles of breathing.

It is important to note that the slower you breathe, the more you relax your diaphragm when exhaling.

In conclusion, noisy breathing is a respiratory disorder that you can get rid of quickly.

Just practice one of the exercises mentioned above while retaining slowness and calm.

However, you can also call your doctor in the event of a complication.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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