Male impotence and chronic erectile dysfunction : solution ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Male impotence, now called erectile dysfunction, affects 1 in 3 men after the age of 40.

It is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection for satisfactory sexual activity.

This problem causes suffering in the relational, intimate and even professional life of the partners, but fortunately it turns out to be reversible!

Male impotence and erectile dysfunction

Overview of available solutions.

Psychological and organic solution

Among the causes of erectile disorder, we list stress, anxiety or eating disorders.

So, adopting a few simple rules of conduct can help solve this problem.

For example, you will need:

  • eat a balanced diet,
  • maintain regular physical activity,
  • do not abuse alcohol,
  • stop or reduce tobacco use,
  • lose weight with obesity,
  • banish everyday stress as well as depression,
  • undergo therapy if necessary.

Following these few simple rules of life already contributes a lot in the fight against male impotence.

There are also many treatments on the market, all of which have dangers!

Oral and local treatment

Oral treatment is generally offered as a first-line treatment.

These are tablets that promote the relaxation of the muscles of the cavernous bodies.

They increase blood flow to the base of an erection and oxygenate damaged tissue.

These tablets should be taken 30 minutes to 1 hour before intercourse or in small doses each day for long-term medication.

Local treatment may be prescribed in the form of vasodilator injections into the cavernous body of the penis before intercourse.

This has the effect of relaxing the smooth muscles of the cavernous bodies, which will cause an erection by supplying arterial blood.

This treatment allows a rapid erection (5 to 10 minutes) and of good quality even without sexual stimulation.

It is done using a syringe with a fine needle.

Not all of these solutions solve the root cause of your impotence, so it's best to improve your lifestyle before you think about it!

Hormonal treatment and penile implant

Testosterone supplements

Decreasing by about 1% per year from the age of 30, testosterone deficiency can affect sexuality through reduced sensations in the genitals.

This will result in an inability to achieve or maintain an erection.

When a medical check-up shows a drop in testosterone, hormone therapy may be used as a solution.

This involves injecting doses of testosterone into the blood to increase muscle strength.

There are supplements in tablets, gels, injections or patches to be applied to the skin.

Also know that there are natural solutions to boost your testosterone naturally.

Penile implants

When other treatments are not effective, the placement of a penile prosthesis or implant may be considered.

The patient should be well informed of all the ins and outs of this surgery.

There are three types of penile prostheses.

There are semi-rigid prostheses which are easy to use.

The two rods of the device are placed in the penis in place of the corpora cavernosa and can be folded back.

There are also two-piece inflatable prostheses which have two cavernous cylinders and a scrotal pump that fill the cylinders with physiological fluid and trigger an erection.

Finally, there are the three-piece inflatable prostheses which are composed of two intracavernous cylinders, a scrotal pump and a reservoir placed behind the bladder.

The reservoir allows a large volume of physiological saline to be sent to the cylinders.

These prostheses increase the length and diameter of the penis.

That said, if you are experiencing an erectile dysfunction, please consult your GP.

This will help you choose the most suitable solution or refer you to a specialist, in this case a urologist.

Natural solution to find solid erections?

And why not first just learn to breathe well to reduce the stress ?

Why not unblock your diaphragm?

Why not feed yourself better?

Because obviously, a good lifestyle will spare you any type of drugs or surgery dangerous for your health.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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