Insomnia: Yoga for sound sleep?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Having insomnia is very tiring for the human body.

Indeed, it plays on our mood and on our life in general.

As you must already know, it is more than essential to sleep well because sleep is very restful.

It allows us to rest our body by recharging our batteries.

It also allows you to let go and clear your head.

Yoga to Beat Insomnia

There are more and more people who do not sleep well at night because they are too stressed or anxious.

Once they are in bed, they start thinking about their past day and are already anticipating the one to come.

Conclusion, these individuals always have the brain on alert which does not rest.

After a while, these people may crack and also they are less efficient at work and they have more difficulty in managing daily tasks.

Yoga positions to better manage insomnia

Yoga has existed since the dawn of time and this Chinese art aims to learn to relax to better manage your body.

To sleep well, it is possible to learn some yoga positions that will help you not think of anything when you fall asleep.

Indeed, it is necessary to be well relaxed to be able to fall asleep more easily and to have a restful sleep.

The different techniques of yoga are very effective in learning to breathe well, but to achieve this, it is best to take classes.

Indeed, only a true teacher of this discipline can teach you how to practice yoga well in order to fully master certain positions.

However, most of this ancestral discipline is based on breathing movements and especially on listening to your body.

For example, you could lie down on your bed and start with a long, slow breath through your nose to feel your belly swelling.

Then start by exhaling slowly to feel the air in the lungs.

Then put your arms straight above your head.

Then continue to breathe out, but this time through your nose, lifting your head and neck a little.

Exhale again as long as possible because this phase of exhalation must always be much longer than that of inspiration.

Learn to breathe well to sleep soundly

Most people who experience insomnia are overly stressed or anxious.

Whenever it comes time to go to bed, they think too much and they can't fall asleep.

The problem is, this is a vicious cycle.

Indeed, you are stressed and therefore you cannot fall asleep and this further increases the stress.

You simply have to relearn how to breathe better by unlocking and releasing your diaphragm.

Indeed, in a phase of great stress, it becomes blocked and you breathe less well.

Learning how to relax this muscle that is the diaphragm is essential in the fight against insomnia.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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