How to stop intense timidity naturally?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

The sickly shyness is a trait of our personality that prevents us from living serenely.

This is a major problem in everyday life for all people who are too shy.

Even if we speak of sickly shyness, it should not be seen as an illness but rather as a handicap.

This serious form of shyness is often linked to people who are very anxious and stressed.

Sickly Shyness

These individuals are afraid of other people and in particular of those they do not know.

It is therefore a real obstacle to living in society, to flourish and to meet friends or feelings.

The biggest problem with sickly shyness is that people feel like it's impossible to do anything about it.

So they withdraw into themselves and have no social ties. People who live alone are the most likely to have depression.

How to overcome your shyness in public?

For these people, it is very difficult to cure this form of shyness.

Indeed, it is like being afraid of water and learning to swim. You have to go smoothly with several stages.

The first thing to be aware of is that everything is happening in your brain.

It's buried in the brain and most often dates back to childhood.

These people have often been belittled, denigrated and therefore have no self-confidence.

The individual sees himself in a very negative way and we must therefore start by doing work at this level.

You often have to go through therapy that should allow you to work on your subconscious.

This will aim to understand and especially to get out of your blockages.

It is necessary that your mind takes over again to allow you to no longer suffer from this sickly shyness which imprisons you.

You have to know how to be very patient because it can take months or more for the most timid people.

Indeed, to completely get out of this problem, it is important to resolve it entirely.

It is an everyday job that is done through small actions that are harmless for some but so important for you.

An important point is that the person must work on three distinct points which are his image, his confidence and assert himself.

But there is much more to conquering social anxiety, breathing.

Breathing exercise to overcome your shyness

It may seem a little simplistic, but unhealthy shyness is above all a source of great stress.

The latter completely blocks us and we can no longer do anything.

We start to sweat, stutter, we have pain all over the body, etc. Especially we start to breathe very badly.

This is the result of the diaphragm getting blocked which prevents you from having a good breath.

To relieve your social anxiety, you have to unblock your diaphragm to overcome your sickly shyness.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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