How to relieve and calm the anguish which paralyzes?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Fear is a natural phenomenon, which aims to ensure our survival.

It alerts us to a potential danger, so that we can ideally protect ourselves from it, or if necessary overcome it.

However, sometimes the fear is felt so strongly that it becomes paralyzing.

Conquer the Anguish that Paralyzes

This fear process is linked to an analysis of our reptilian brain, which records all the information related to our experiences, such as what is pleasant, unpleasant, the emotions and sensations experienced ...

All this data is carefully stored and classified. into two main categories: dangerousness or safety.

Fear therefore arises in the face of a scenario categorized as dangerous by the reptilian brain.

And the intensity with which the phenomenon intervenes leads to a reflex paralysis linked to this fear.

This is called the Fear Paralysis Reflex (RPP).

The body then freezes, paralyzed and incapable of the slightest movement, just like the mind, which is no longer able to focus its attention on something else.

How to overcome your fear paralysis reflex?

However, it is possible to overcome his fear paralysis reflex by accessing his reptilian brain in order to calm and relieve the paralyzing anxiety (tetany).

Because the experiences that we continue to live day after day update the data stored in the reptilian brain, and our perception of things can evolve.

Cleaning your reptilian brain is therefore the ultimate solution to better understand your RPP.

Faced with the fear paralysis reflex, it is important to control your breathing, which has been affected and out of control in the face of this great fear.

Only the normal rhythm of breathing can induce the body to relax.

Starting with the release of the diaphragm, which will allow air and energy to circulate again, and the paralysis to disappear.

A reaction therefore becomes possible at the physical level.

The mind also benefits from the benefits of normalized breathing, regains its clairvoyance, its ability to reason, to react.

Breathing is therefore the tool to allow access to his reptilian brain, to clean it and relearn certain interpretations, in order to overcome his paralysis reflex.

Breathing is great, but quickly clearing your emotional blockages is even better.

And you will need a much more powerful technique that I have called shaking yoga.

Breathing coach and yoga therapist, I have long observed and studied the impact of emotions on well-being.

Based on my experiences, I have come to establish my own method of emotional cleansing.

I'll explain it to you in a free video workshop, which will give you an understanding of how shaking yoga can help you overcome the fear paralysis reflex.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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