How to overcome your phobia of the storm (storm)?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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The fear of thunderstorms is frequent and known for a very long time.

It often manifests itself in childhood.

The spectacle of the sky unleashed, with the deafening sound of thunder and the flashes of light that lightning constitutes, has something to impress.

But for some people, it is a real phobia of the storm that sets in.

Overcome your Fear of Storm

This fear is linked to the sudden nature of the meteorological manifestation and the fact that one cannot control this facet of nature.

Fear of lightning is also a component of thunderstorm phobia because of the danger it represents, although the chances of being struck are low.

This fear of thunderstorm, lightning, thunder and lightning, often arises from a bad experience during such an outburst of natural elements.

Having jumped because of thunder, having been blinded by lightning, seeing a tree struck by lightning, having been outdoors during a violent storm or having grown up in contact with an adult who is himself phobic of the storm can for example having triggered this unreasonable and uncontrollable fear.

This event of the past is anchored in the memory of the phobic.

The fear felt was very intense, to the point of generating an emotional blockage.

Therefore, the reptilian brain has equated the storm and all its similar manifestations, like the storm, to a danger.

Emotions are rekindled with each new clap of thunder and with each flash.

However, it is possible to overcome your fear of a storm to no longer hide or burst into tears during a storm.

How to overcome your fear of thunder?

Studying the statistics of thunderstorms can be somewhat calming, as they demonstrate the low probability of being struck by lightning.

Protect yourself against possible damage linked to a storm, such as maintaining your channels, gutters and sewers for the evacuation of rainwater, securely stow anything that risks blowing away in a strong wind, equip your house with shutters ... are both useful and reassuring actions.

But to overcome your fear of thunder and lightning, you still need to work on yourself.

It's about releasing blocked emotions that rekindle each time a thunderstorm breaks out.

For this, it is necessary to clean the reptilian brain.

This liberating approach is not very restrictive since it can be carried out by self-therapy, as with my complete program “Emotions Detox”.

I designed this program based on my yoga therapist and breathing coach skills.

It is therefore natural and open to all.

These are specific and easy to perform yoga posture sequences that induce tremors in the body, which detox the reptilian brain and release emotional blockages.

I will explain all of this to you in more detail in my free video workshop devoted to “Detox Emotions”.

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Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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