How to overcome your phobia of the dentist?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Good dental hygiene is essential for maintaining good health.

Healthy teeth allow you to eat well, digest better, avoid headaches ...

To maintain a healthy mouth, it is necessary to consult your dentist regularly.

This approach is often a source of apprehension.

But for some people, it is a real ordeal, which takes the form of a phobia.

Dentist Phobia

Whether it is a simple visit or needing dental treatment, the consultation will be badly experienced by the person, despite the fact that the techniques used today are not very painful.

The professional skills of the dentist consulted are not called into question by the phobic.

The dentist's fear can relate to a very specific point of the consultation, such as having to undergo an injection, not having control over the course of the treatment or the fact of not being able to speak freely at times.

Noise can also be involved, including the very little appreciated strawberry.

A bad experience in the patient's past can also be the trigger for the phobia.

Whatever the actual cause, the event turned out to be traumatic.

The flow of emotions felt turned out to be very powerful, entering into the reptilian brain.

So much so that each similar situation generates strong anguish.

In other words, with each prospect of a dental consultation, the feeling of danger is again felt, and the fear resurfaces.

It is however possible to put an end to this phobia to be able to go to the dentist, more serenely.

How can you stop being afraid to go to the dentist?

Seeing your dentist regularly is a way to avoid having to deal with heavy treatment.

Most often, these will be less stressful control visits.

But to overcome your fear of going to the dentist, the solution is to break free from emotional blockages.

Only this gesture makes it possible to find calm on the way to the dental office.

This approach takes the form of work on oneself, of self-therapy, in order to allow the detox of the reptilian brain.

As its name suggests, my complete “Emotions Detox” program is a way to cleanse your reptilian brain and get rid of blocked emotions.

The psyche will then be receptive to a new perception of things for everything related to dental care and consultations.

My “Detox Emotions” program was designed based on my professional skills as a yoga therapist and breathing coach.

It is thus based on a series of yoga postures, accessible even to beginners, and which cause body tremors.

It is actually the evacuation of emotional blockages, which instantly bring this well-being.

To dive into the heart of the matter, I present the program “Detox Emotions” in a free video workshop.

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Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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