How to overcome your phobia of mammography?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Many women are unfortunately affected by breast cancer.

Prevention involves screening, because remember that the earlier a cancer is detected, the greater the chances of remission.

However, mammography remains for many a dreaded health examination, sometimes to the point of phobia.

Overcome your Phobia of Mammography

The mammogram health examination remains essential to detect breast cancer with certainty.

It is not necessarily very pleasant to go through, but it is not very painful in itself.

The fear arising from this screening test is therefore not from the point of view of pain, but rather with respect to other factors.

The medical community is often impressive. Few are the people who are perfectly comfortable there.

Mammography also requires exposing an intimate part of your body, and modesty makes some women feel embarrassed by this nudity.

But the most distressing factor lies above all in the diagnosis.

Since fear does not avoid danger, it is really important to have a mammogram regularly.

However, it is possible to overcome his phobia so that the examination is better lived.

How to overcome your panicked fear of breast cancer screening?

The stakes involved in screening are great, since it may or may not be the sign of a serious illness.

The reptilian brain, which is in charge of making us react to a threat or danger, anticipates this possible diagnosis of disease, and generates fear.

However, if the reactions of flight and avoidance are sometimes beneficial, this is not the case with this diagnosis, which it is preferable to face.

To have your mammogram, it is possible to be reassured by relying on the screening figures.

Fortunately, the result is more often free of any signs of the disease.

If not, think about the fact that the remission rate for this type of cancer is very encouraging, if taken care of immediately.

Being accompanied during the screening can also be a way of reducing the apprehension of the health examination.

However, these measures provide reassurance without completely eliminating fear or phobia.

For this, a work on oneself is necessary.

It involves a process of self-therapy.

It is about reaching his reptilian brain to free it from its emotional blockages and to re-educate it, by instilling in it a notion of safety when it comes to having a mammogram.

As a yoga therapist and breathing coach, I support you in the process of freeing your emotional blockages in a free video workshop.

My “Emotion Detox” program is complete and based on the principle of yoga of tremor.

It allows access to the reptilian brain and unblocks emotions to effectively and lastingly overcome phobia, including that of mammography.

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