How to overcome your fear of insects (entomophobia) ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Because nature is well made, every human being has a role to play on earth. Even the smallest animals, like insects.

However, they are often the object of negative feelings, such as disgust or fear.

But for some people, it goes beyond that.

It is a real fear of panic that seizes them in the presence of an insect, whether it is an ant, a fly, a spider, a cockroach ...

We then speak of entomophobia.

Fear of Insects

If the appearance of the animal is not necessarily very attractive, the fear often relates to one of its characteristics.

The fact that insects live in dirt and dust can be one factor in the fear they generate.

Their ease in squeezing everywhere, in the smallest little cracks, is another.

Finally, for some specimens, it is the risk of being stung that crystallizes the fear.

In either case, the phobia almost always finds its origin in the past of the phobic person.

A bad experience with an insect, such as a painful bite for example or an invasion of insects, generated strong emotions, which marked the mind to the point of generating an emotional blockage.

Since then, the reptilian brain has associated insects with potential danger.

However, it is possible to overcome your phobia of insects.

How to overcome your phobia of flying insects?

Overcoming his phobia of flying and crawling insects induces the release of emotional blockages.

It is therefore necessary to carry out work on oneself, through self-therapy.

The objective of the latter being to access the reptilian brain in order to detoxify it, to clean it in depth to proceed to the delivery of blocked emotions.

It is only once this has been done that the reptilian brain will be able to review its judgment regarding insects and succeed in overcoming entomophobia.

Through my yoga therapist and breathing coach skills, I have designed a complete program to facilitate your access to your reptilian brain and allow the release of emotional blockages that plunge you into that uneasy feeling every time you see it an insect.

This program to be followed in self-therapy is called “Detox Emotions”.

Completely natural, it is based exclusively on yoga postures that are simple to perform, and the sequence of which manages to dispel blocked emotions.

I present “Detox Emotions” in more detail in the free video workshop at your disposal.

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Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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