How to overcome your fear of driving (amaxophobia)?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Driving is a pleasure for some, but a real phobia for others.

This unreasonable and uncontrolled fear even has a name: amaxophobia.

This is very inconvenient on a daily basis, as travel can be limited, and even more so for people who live in areas poorly served by public transport.

Driving phobic therefore become dependent on other drivers, or become isolated.

Fear of Driving

The phobia of driving can find its source in the fact of not feeling comfortable at the wheel, of having encountered difficulties in obtaining a driver's license.

But it is most often a traffic accident that generates this phobia of driving.

This traumatic event caused a strong emotional shock in the reptilian brain, to such an extent that a blockage was built there, source of amaxophobia.

The fact of having to drive remains associated with a notion of very great danger, which manifests itself whenever the possibility of taking the wheel arises.

However, it is possible to overcome your driving phobia.

How to overcome your phobia of driving on the highway?

Amaxophobia manifests itself for all types of journeys.

The fact of having to take the highway can further accentuate the anxiety, because the speed increases, and once engaged on this fast lane, it is difficult to be able to leave your car in the event of too acute crisis.

Investing in a safer vehicle, taking a driving upgrade, or a road safety course can provide reassurance about one's qualities as a driver.

However, the way to effectively treat his driving phobia is to get rid of emotional blockages in the reptilian brain.

Indeed, it can be cleaned by an emotional detox cure, and its perceptions modified.

Access to the reptilian brain is through emotional blockade release therapy.

It is, like a detox cure, to clean the reptilian brain to release blocked emotions, to better accept the trauma experienced without letting it interfere too much in daily life and, finally, to regain the capacity, even the pleasure of driving.

Yoga therapist and breathing coach, I have realized for you, on the basis of my professional and personal experiences, a program of release from emotional blockages, which will help you to overcome your phobia of driving.

This complete therapy bears a name evocative of its action: “Detox Emotions”.

It is based on a yoga method of tremor which, by a succession of postures, allows to release the emotions blocked in the reptilian brain.

I present it to you in a free video workshop.

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Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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