How to overcome unhealthy jealousy in love?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Confidence is one of the pillars of the couple.

But jealousy often puts a grain of salt in a romantic relationship, and not just when the other person pretends to be interested in someone else.

If it is proof that feelings towards the partner are still present and strong, excessive jealousy can tarnish the relationship within the couple and put them in danger.

Unhealthy Jealousy in Love

Jealousy is a lack of confidence. If the partner suffers from this out of fear that he might be unfaithful, the lack of confidence in love is actually self-centered.

It is the fact of feeling threatened, and therefore not up to the task, that induces romantic jealousy.

And the greater this lack of confidence, the more it can be called sick jealousy.

This lack of confidence in oneself and in one's relationship is born in the past of the jealous partner.

Not feeling good enough, being afraid of people I like, afraid of the judgment of the other, afraid of losing the other, impacts the life of a couple and makes you jealous.

Having been cheated on in a former romantic relationship can also be a factor of unhealthy jealousy in your relationship.

The events of the past, whatever their exact nature, have generated harsh and negative self-judgments about oneself.

So much so that the feelings felt then created an emotional blockage.

Since then, the reptilian brain has remained alert and reacted to the potential danger of reliving the same situation.

Emotions are revived as on the first day and jealousy appears.

It is necessary to react in the face of sick jealousy so as not to put your marriage in danger.

How to deal with romantic jealousy in a couple?

Monitoring your partner constantly, assaulting him with questions, rummaging through his things, is in no way a solution to reassure himself vis-Ă -vis his relationship.

On the contrary, the other might get tired of this oppressive situation and what he could interpret as a lack of self-confidence, when in fact it is you who suffer from a lack of self-esteem. .

Faced with romantic jealousy, I recommend starting to work on yourself, through self-therapy.

The goal is to free oneself from blocked emotions inherited from the past and which still prevent them from blossoming in their relationship today.

This is why, as a breathing coach and yoga therapist, I designed the program for the release of emotional blockages "Emotions Detox".

It facilitates access to the reptilian brain to thoroughly cleanse it with a detox cure.

The “Detox Emotions” process is simply based on yoga postures of shaking.

It is therefore accessible to all.

To go further, I will find you in my free video workshop for a complete presentation of the “Detox Emotions” method.

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