How to overcome the phobia of having vagal discomfort?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Vagal discomfort is due to a drop in blood pressure.

It is accompanied by various symptoms, such as palpitations, nausea, cold sweats but also a loss of consciousness, quite brief but which often causes great concern among people who witness the discomfort, and the patient himself ...

Vagal discomfort can happen anywhere and anytime.

Although the drop in blood pressure does not have to be severe, some people develop a phobia of vagal discomfort.

Overcome the Fear of Vagal Discomfort

Vagal discomfort can have several origins, such as stress, anxiety, fatigue, poor oxygenation, thirst, heat, a strong emotion ...

Emotions, in fact, are very often the cause.

Because vagal discomfort can also be a consequence of an emotional blockage, due to trauma or shock in the past life of the person who is subject to it on a regular basis.

This traumatic experience may have shocked the psyche so much, even unconsciously, that emotions got stuck in the reptilian brain.

This explains the regular occurrence of vagal discomfort, which in turn generates fear and promotes the repetition of the phenomenon.

However, the phobia of vagal discomfort with loss of consciousness can still be alleviated and even eliminated.

It is possible to overcome your fear, by an entirely natural process.

What if I am afraid of making faintness in public?

If you have the fear of being unwell in public, the first thing you can do is learn to recognize the warning symptoms.

They are usually easily identifiable, and you will be able to take measures such as sitting down or taking the air for example.

If you are feeling overworked or very stressed, it is important that you can take a breather, give yourself time to recharge your batteries and rest.

To effectively and sustainably cure the phobia of vagal discomfort in public, it is necessary to treat the problem at its source: the emotional blockages trapped in the reptilian brain.

It is therefore useful to follow emotion liberation therapy.

It will allow you to access your reptilian brain to clean it, with the aim of freeing blocked emotions, without denying the past, and finally access to well-being.

By clearing your emotional blockages, the fear of vagal discomfort or discomfort in public can be overcome.

This detox of the reptilian brain can be practiced in self-therapy.

Yoga therapist and breathing coach, I have designed for you, on the basis of my professional and personal experiences, my own emotional liberation therapy, to accompany you in this process of healing your fear of vagal discomfort.

My complete program, "Detox Emotion", is based on a method of yoga of the tremor which, by a succession of postures, makes it possible to release the emotions of their psychic prison where they are often blocked for a long time, the reptilian brain.

I present to you in more detail “Detox Emotions” in a free video workshop.

❀ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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