How to overcome the phobia of finishing things?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Working on a project is always an exciting experience.

This often requires a great personal investment.

The completion of the project is a gratifying moment, but also dreaded by some of us.

Indeed, finishing things sometimes leaves a feeling of emptiness, and starting a new project leaves room for uncertainty.

This phobia to finish things can lead to leaving things hanging.

But the feeling of unfinished business is not satisfying either, it is frustrating.

Overcome the Phobia of Finishing Things

The fear of finishing things arises from several factors: uncertainty about the future.

Will the new project be successful, can it be implemented?

Fear of judgment: will the project, once completed and delivered, please?

The fear of boredom: what to do now?

How to fill this feeling of emptiness and not be nostalgic?

All of these questions underlying getting things done lead to phobia, morbid fear.

Everything is actually played out in the reptilian brain, which analyzes its situations as potentially dangerous and difficult to manage.

Fortunately, the fear of going all the way can be overcome.

Overcome your sickly fear of finishing what you start

Overcoming his phobia to finish things started induces to clean the reptilian brain.

It is indeed quite possible to relearn him to better analyze certain situations, not to be alert for trivial, unlikely or low risk things.

It is in fact about carrying out an emotional unblocking.

To reach the unconscious of the reptilian brain, for example, it is necessary to perfectly control your breathing.

But under the impact of fear, and more particularly when it is so intense, the breath goes wrong.

This phenomenon is not always felt, yet it is very real and has a great impact on the control of emotions.

By normalizing your breath, you learn to control your breathing, and you can take action when the first signs of anxiety and fear appear.

The rhythm of breathing allows you to influence your emotions and sensations, to better manage them.

Your body can relax, as can your thoughts, and you can then access the reptilian brain to begin its rehabilitation and release any held emotions.

As a yoga therapist, I accompany you in this process.

To this end, I have designed a video workshop especially for you, completely free.

I present to you my own method, not of breathing, but of yoga of trembling, a powerful protocol to release the emotions and consequently to overcome this phobia of completing the things started.

This alternative method of emotional liberation is accessible to all, and it is the culmination of my many personal and professional research on this subject.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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