How to overcome the panic fear of water to learn to swim ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Evolving in water is in principle a source of well-being.

For a very long time, Man has turned to the benefits it provides, in thermal baths, swimming pools, seas or oceans.

The teaching of swimming to young children is increasingly popular.

The fact remains that for some people, bodies of water cause intense fear, a real phobia.

Overcome the Panic Fear of Water

This panicked fear of water makes it impossible to learn to swim.

People suffering from this phobia deprive themselves of certain hobbies and sports, isolate themselves when their friends plan a trip to the pool or to the beach.

This phobia of water often stems from an emotional blockage following a bad past experience.

This could be, for example, having fallen into the water by accident before knowing how to swim or having assisted in the rescue of a person in distress.

Whatever it is, the reptilian brain has recorded this information in a deep way.

Relayed in the unconscious, it reappears each time the person is in the presence of a body of water.

The situation is analyzed by the reptilian brain as dangerous, and the emotion of fear arises, intense, sharp, exaggerated and uncontrollable.

However, this feeling is not irrevocable.

It is possible to overcome this fear panic panic and successfully learn to swim.

How to overcome your phobia of water to swim?

Swimming can be practiced by ex-phobics of water.

Accompanying a bather to the swimming pool, watching the swimmers evolve without approaching the pool is an important first step in overcoming his phobia of water.

This allows you to observe and soak up the places, the atmosphere, the smells ...

So much useful information to reassure yourself before taking the plunge one day.

Gradually, after gaining confidence, the next step will be to approach the pools, then enter them. However, this process takes a lot of perseverance and takes time, a lot of time.

To allow learning and practice of swimming more quickly and to get rid of your phobia of water for good, it is necessary to carry out an emotional release.

This requires access to the reptilian brain which retains emotions to clean it.

It is a question of detoxifying it in order to qualify its interpretation of the danger facing a body of water.

By releasing your emotional blockages, the phobia of water can be overcome and swimming will become possible.

Performing self-detox therapy will allow you to achieve this goal.

Yoga therapist and breathing coach, I support you in your process of liberating emotional blockages through my therapy "Emotions Detox".

This complete program is for you, to help you overcome your phobia and ultimately make it possible to learn to swim.

Designed from my professional and personal experiences, this self-therapy consists of yoga postures of tremor.

I present to you “Detox Emotions”, via a free video workshop.

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Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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