How to overcome the feeling of fear in the stomach ?
Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.
To have fear in the stomach is a well-known expression, which is not imaginary.
Fear does manifest itself in physical symptoms.
The belly region is particularly concerned.
In fact, the diaphragm, which has the role of absorbing shocks, is located just under the lungs and above the stomach.
The diaphragm becomes blocked with fear, and the effects are felt throughout the body, including the stomach.
The stomach is concerned.
Fear can cut off the appetite and cause nausea or vomiting.
The intestines are also impacted, diarrhea or on the contrary constipation can occur.
Fear in the stomach often hides another anxiety disorder linked to a past event experienced by the phobic.
Shock or trauma then generated an emotional blockage that remained underlying in the reptilian brain.
Whenever a similar situation arises, it brings with it stress and emotions resurface.
The fear in the stomach returns, in a way always so sharp.
However, it is still possible to get rid of this fear in the stomach, which goes as far as blocking the stomach.
How to cure the fear that is blocking your stomach?
Faced with a stomach ache linked to fear, it is important to continue to eat, however adapting the food and the quantities.
It is indeed important to stay fit enough to find the necessary resources to overcome your fear.
Practicing breathing exercises also has a relaxing effect and especially helps to relax the diaphragm.
But to cure your fear which causes stomach aches, it is essential to release the emotional blockages linked to the past.
It is for this to access his reptilian brain and provide it with a deep cleansing, like a detox cure.
As a breathing coach and yoga therapist, I support you in your search for a cure for your phobia.
My complete “Detox Emotions” program is for you. It aims to help you release the emotions blocked in the reptilian brain.
His method consists of a series of yoga postures of the tremor.
This process is safe, it is in fact the manifestation of the effective release of the emotions held until then in the psyche.
I will explain this process to you in detail in my free video workshop dedicated to “Detox Emotions”.
❤ The ultimate guide to breathing
Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).Read also :
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