How to overcome the fear of winning (or losing) ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Play is an integral part of learning in life.

As such, from childhood, we learn to lose or to gain.

These concepts are essential because we are subject to competition in our adult life, in our leisure activities and sport in particular.

If the character trait of the "bad loser" is known, some people develop the fear of winning.

This can go as far as the phobia of competition.

Fear of Winning or Losing

Fear often manifests itself as the deadline draws near.

The realization is scary, because it represents a stake without half measures: to win or to lose.

The closer to the end of the competition, the more the player in the process of winning becomes aware of the changes that his victory can imply.

The stress can then rise, the lack of self-confidence to be felt.

Fear then arises, with its avalanche of emotions.

The player is destabilized, and it is not uncommon to see him lose against all odds.

The past of the person who suffers from the phobia of competition is often marked by an event whose outcome was very impactful, even in the event of victory.

Overwhelmed by emotion, the reptilian brain identified the notion of winning at potential danger.

Emotional blockage rekindles feelings of fear with every competition, especially when victory is near.

Some will go so far as to give up a sporting career or their hobby out of competition phobia and their chances of winning.

However, it is possible to overcome your fear of winning to go to the end of your effort and achieve victory.

How to overcome your competition phobia?

To finally be able to calmly compete in a competition, it is necessary to overcome your phobia of winning.

This is why taking self-therapy to release emotional blockages is necessary.

This process aims to detoxify and cleanse the reptilian brain, to remove the fear associated with winning.

This is the goal of the complete “Detox Emotions” program that I have designed for you, based on my skills as a breathing coach and yoga therapist.

Entirely natural, this detox treatment of the reptilian brain operates through yoga postures of tremor.

These tremors of the body are in fact only the manifestation of the release of emotions, resulting in well-being and healing of the phobia.

I'll tell you more about the “Detox Emotions” program in my free video workshop.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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