How to overcome the fear of vomiting (emetophobia)?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Vomiting is the body's defense against aggression.

Vomiting is certainly not the most pleasant, but for some people it is a particularly difficult and dreaded ordeal, to the point of a phobia called emetophobia.

Emetophobes have a phobia to vomit, especially in public, but also fear that other people vomit.

Overcome the Fear of Vomiting

This phobia is one of the most common.

It is very disturbing on a daily basis, with potentially serious repercussions.

In particular, emetophobes often consume excess anti-nausea drugs, or restrict their diet, sometimes to the point of suffering from eating disorders.

They are also worried about being infected with illnesses, the symptoms of which could be vomiting.

They are therefore not serene in society, in public places, public transport, in restaurants, amusement parks ...

The fear of vomiting is actually associated with negative feelings like disgust or unease which are often more feared than the act of vomiting itself.

Emetophobia comes from an emotional blockage, which originates from a trauma or bad experience in the past of the person suffering from this fear.

This emotional shock is embedded deep in the reptilian brain.

Despite the intensity of the phenomenon, it is possible to cure his fear of vomiting.

How to cure your phobia of vomiting in public?

To go out despite your fears of vomiting, menthol handkerchiefs or sour candies can help allay the disgust and calm the nausea you feel.

Avoiding risky situations after identifying them and wearing loose clothing may also be preferable.

However, in order not to restrict yourself and do without medication, it is possible to permanently cure your phobia of vomiting in public by natural means.

It suffices to access his reptilian brain to clean it and free it from the emotional blockages linked to the shocks of the past.

This process of emotional detox can be carried out through self-therapy, requiring work on yourself to access your subconscious.

Yoga therapist and breathing coach, I offer you a complete and completely natural program, entitled "Intermittent Breathing", which is based on correct breathing.

My emotional blockade release therapy relies on accessing the reptilian brain, for deep cleansing and release of emotions.

The reptilian brain can then be re-educated, its perceptions refined, which leads to overcoming the phobia of vomiting in public and to feeling better.

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Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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