How to overcome the fear of the great outdoors?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

While some like to get lost in the anonymity of the great outdoors, not everyone shares this attraction.

Others, on the contrary, do not feel at all comfortable there and even develop a very great fear towards them.

In fact, more than the space itself, it is the difficulty of being able to escape or to be rescued in the event of a problem in a place so large, and sometimes crowded, that is scary.

The fear of the great outdoors is called agoraphobia.

Conquer the Fear of the Great Outdoors

This phobia is born in the reptilian brain, which apprehends the vastness of space as a potential risk.

The reptilian brain sends warning signals in the face of what it considers dangerous, while it interprets the arrival of help as compromised, that it feels on its own, and that it doubts. have the resources to ensure survival or integrity.

Often, this fear arises from a bad experience in the past, such as getting lost.

These experiences are permanently embedded in memory and emotions are blocked in the reptilian brain.

However, it is possible to influence the reptilian brain, to modify its interpretation somewhat and overcome its fear of the great outdoors.

How to cure your phobia of confinement in public places?

To alleviate your phobia, you can try little by little to frequent larger and larger spaces.

It is preferable to be accompanied, because the process can be very trying.

It will be more reassuring to dare to start, and more reassuring in the event of an anxiety attack.

But to permanently cure your phobia of the great outdoors, cleaning the reptilian brain will be the most effective solution.

This psychic cleansing will act as an emotional detox, with the effect of releasing the blockages that hinder well-being.

It is the measure which allows you to be able to cure your phobia.

You can remain completely in control of the success of your project to overcome this excessive fear of the great outdoors by deciding to follow a self-detox therapy.

Yoga therapist and breathing coach, I offer you my therapy for the release of emotional blockages, also known under the name of “Detox Emotions”.

I designed it based on my professional experiences, until I developed a complete program.

This is based on a yoga method of tremor which, through a succession of postures, allows the emotions blocked in the reptilian brain to be released.

I present my therapy to you in a free video workshop.

❀ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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