How to overcome the fear of the boat ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Boat cruises are more and more popular with the general public.

The standing and the activities offered on board are designed to please the greatest number.

But despite this, it is inconceivable to consider going on cruises for some people.

They are extremely afraid of taking the boat, which can lead to a phobia.

Fear of the Boat

Fear of the boat can relate to one or more aspects of the cruise: fear of vomiting in public if seasickness occurs, fear of being with strangers in a small space, fear of not controlling the ship, the feeling of being locked away on a boat forcing you to move around a delimited space surrounded by water ...

The phobia often finds its trigger in the past, when a shocking event may have been experienced with a boat.

Having made a trip on a damaged boat, having had a fall, having suffered from seasickness or even seeing a report or a disaster film with a boat can for example be the cause.

This event strongly shocked the psyche.

The emotions felt are then blocked, and the reptilian brain assimilates boats and cruises as dangers.

However, it is possible for those phobic of boat trips to overcome their fear and finally enjoy the joys of cruises.

How to overcome your phobia of boat cruises?

If you need to travel by boat, it is important to talk about your fear and if possible not to use this means of transport alone.

The people accompanying you may be able to find words to reassure you somewhat.

Learning about the operation of the cruise ship and the company's experience can also give you a feeling of a bit more in control.

Notifying the crew of your phobia is the first thing to do when you get on the boat.

The members of the cruise team will make your stay on board as easy as possible.

But to be able to fully enjoy the cruise, it is necessary to overcome your phobia of the boat.

An emotional release is needed at the level of the reptilian brain.

To do this, it is necessary to access it and clean it thoroughly.

As a yoga therapist and breathing coach, I have designed emotional blockade self-therapy for you.

This is the complete “Detox Emotions” program.

It is based on an entirely natural process: the yoga of tremor.

The postures are simple to perform, the detox cure can therefore be followed by all boat phobic who wish to get rid of this fear.

I invite you to find more information on “Detox Emotions” in my free video workshop.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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