How to overcome the fear of swallowing (phagophobia) ?
Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.
Swallowing is a natural act.
This reflex occurs during the meal to swallow food and drink, but also several times a day to swallow saliva.
If for the majority of people this is done in an unconscious and spontaneous way, it is not the same for everyone.
Some people dread this act at the highest point, living with the fear of swallowing.
We are talking about phagophobia.
The fear of swallowing is most often manifested for solid foods.
More precisely, it is the fear of suffocation that arises: the fear of “swallowing askew”, with the food that would remain stuck, entrenched, and causing death.
This phobia most often arises after having experienced such an episode of suffocation.
The risk of imminent death and the feelings of embarrassment felt then aroused extremely strong emotions, which strongly permeated the reptilian brain, to the point of emotional blockage.
Since then, the fear of swallowing has resurfaced again and again, rekindling the still difficult memory of the situation that triggered the phobia of swallowing.
However, it is possible to allay your fears, until you completely and completely overcome your fear of swallowing and choking while eating.
How to overcome swallowing phobia (fear of choking when eating)?
Overcoming your phobia of swallowing and the fear of choking on food requires releasing emotional blockages.
Without it, fear will reappear each time it is necessary to swallow.
It turns out to cleanse his reptilian brain in depth.
Without denying the experience, this detox overcomes the phobia of swallowing and the fear of choking that results.
As a yoga therapist and breathing coach, I wanted to facilitate your healing process by providing support to facilitate access to the reptilian brain and the release of emotional blockages.
For this, I designed a complete all-natural self-therapy program: “Detox Emotions”.
Based on easy-to-perform shaking yoga postures, the “Detox Emotions” program is accessible to everyone.
It makes it easy to evacuate all blocked emotions and fully participates in the cure of the phobia of swallowing.
“Detox Emotions” takes the form of a free video workshop, which I invite you to discover.
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Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).Read also :
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