How to overcome the fear of suffering in love ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Opening your heart to love means taking the risk of having a great story with your partner, for an unknown duration.

It is also taking the risk of suffering if this beautiful romance were to end.

The pain can be sharp if the love was very strong.

This risk frightens some people to the point of generating the phobia of loving and trusting as a couple.

Fear of Suffering in Love

For fear of suffering, these phobic of love prefer to give up a story, even if it could have been beautiful.

Fear takes over reason, and prevents the development of a couple and the testimony of confidence in the partner.

This fear of suffering in love most often arises after a painful breakup.

Various negative feelings, such as shame at being cheated on, sadness at separation, doubt, may have been felt extremely violently.

To such an extent that the shock generated a blockage of the emotions in the psyche of the phobic, more precisely in his reptilian brain.

This emotional blockage rekindles those feelings with every thrill, whenever a budding love is felt or the relationship becomes more serious.

However, it is possible to overcome your fear of suffering in love to give yourself back the right to love.

How to overcome the phobia of loving and trusting as a couple?

A wounded heart doesn't easily trust a new partner.

Unconsciously, the mind goes into protection mode, even if it means nipping a nascent relationship in the bud.

Taking the time to discover the other, letting the relationship move forward at its own pace without trying to rush things, letting the partner gain their trust can allow you to experience your emotions, but not declaring yourself or being on the defensive can end up tiring. the partner.

To dare to embark on a new relationship, where trust must be present, it is essential to release blocked emotions, which requires access to the reptilian brain in order to detoxify it.

As a breathing coach and yoga therapist, I advise you to proceed by self-therapy, more flexible and allowing you to work at your own pace.

To facilitate your access to the reptilian brain, to release emotional blockages and to overcome your fear of suffering in love, I have designed the “Emotions Detox” program for you.

These are sequences of yoga postures of the tremor which have a detox effect on the psyche.

This all-natural process is easy to follow, so it's suitable for everyone.

The “Emotions Detox” self-therapy program is presented to you in my free video workshop.

❀ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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