How to overcome the fear of stuttering ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Stuttering is not an uncommon factor. Many people are prone to it, and this phenomenon is often badly experienced.

These speech difficulties manifest themselves in childhood, but can also occur following shock or trauma.

Fear of Stuttering

Stuttering is restrictive, in the sense that it prevents one from expressing oneself as one would wish.

People who suffer from it may therefore, for some, fold in on themselves.

Everyone experiences symptoms differently, with varying degrees of intensity.

Often, stress, anxiety, shyness and the fear of stuttering itself accentuate the phenomenon.

This fear of stuttering originates in the reptilian brain.

Faced with having to speak orally in front of a person, the brain analyzes the situation as dangerous.

The fact of being stared at, the risk of misunderstanding, the risk of mockery, generate fear in the reptilian brain.

The solution to overcome your phobia of stuttering

There is no drug treatment for stuttering, it is possible to overcome your phobia of stuttering by a natural method.

Self-therapy exercises can be beneficial to better control your stuttering, such as trying to put things in perspective and practicing communicating aloud, especially by reading, which helps work your breath.

The fear of stuttering born in the reptilian brain blocks speech which then spouts out in a brutal and uncontrolled manner.

It is also closely linked to the fact that the breathing itself is deregulated.

Because stress, anxiety and fear are absorbed by the respiratory muscle, the diaphragm, which tightens.

The body is in pain and the unconscious is blocked.

By breathing better, in a more controlled manner, the diaphragm can relax.

Air flows begin to circulate again, the breathing rate normalizes, the body relaxes, emotions unblock, and the fear of stuttering subsides.

Controlling its breath is also a way to access the reptilian brain to teach it to refine its perception of danger.

The process to release your emotions and overcome your phobia of stuttering is not difficult, however, it is preferable to be accompanied by a professional.

Breathing is a good thing, but there are also other even more effective techniques that it would be interesting to try to unblock the emotions that can cause stuttering.

As a breathing coach and yoga therapist, I am committed to giving you my advice to help you successfully fight your phobia.

I have designed a free video workshop for you, built from my professional and personal experiences.

You will understand the role played by the reptilian brain in the face of fear and phobias.

I also present to you my solution which aims to overcome quickly and durably the phobia of stammering and all other fears that take root in your unconscious.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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