How to overcome the fear of starting and succeeding ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Starting a new project always comes with a more or less high risk factor.

While some hold back their ambitions for fear of failure, others on the contrary are afraid of succeeding.

Fear of Starting and Succeeding

Succeeding after having dared to take the plunge means that a big change is taking place in your life, which can be scary.

The look of others on his success is also a source of apprehension, judgment is often made and a feeling of jealousy can arise.

Uncertainty remains as to the degree of success and its level of impact on daily life.

Too much success also gives rise to fears of being overwhelmed, of having trouble managing the situation, of losing control.

It can thus gradually be added the counterpart of the fear of success, in other words: the fear of failure.

The fear of getting started and succeeding actually hides a lack of self-confidence.

It can be a real obstacle to the realization of projects.

It is often accompanied by procrastination, ultimately leading to projects that never come to fruition and a life that stagnates, leading to discomfort.

Lack of self-confidence and fear of change often have their roots in the past of the person who suffers from the fear of success.

An event there weakened self-esteem, forming an emotional blockage.

The reptilian brain has remained on high alert ever since, and alarmed at the potential danger of going for it and succeeding.

However, it is possible to act to overcome your fear, dare to take the plunge and no longer be afraid to change your life by succeeding.

How to overcome your unconscious fear of success?

Going step by step, little by little, allows a smooth transition, less brutal than giving up everything to embark on a new project.

It may be more encouraging than stagnating, but it takes a lot of time and persistence.

There is a faster and more effective solution to overcome your unconscious fear of success.

It is about freeing oneself from emotional blockages that hamper the willingness to undertake projects.

It is therefore necessary to clean the reptilian brain.

This process is accessible to all and can be followed in self-therapy.

Yoga therapist and breathing coach, I give you a complete program to help you heal your fear of getting started and succeeding: “Detox Emotions”.

It is about carrying out sequences of simple yoga postures of tremor, the effect of which leads to the evacuation of blocked emotions.

The “Detox Emotions” program can be followed by anyone, since it is completely natural.

I invite you to discover the “Detox Emotions” solution in my free video workshop.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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