How to overcome the fear of school exams ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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School exams are the culmination of several years of study, often representing a strong personal investment by the candidate.

Few of the students do not feel stressed about taking their school exams.

But for some, this ordeal generates a dull anguish, a phobia.

Fear of School Exams

The fear of school exams, whether they take the form of diplomas or competitions, comes from the stakes that their results bear.

Whether or not he succeeds in his school exam has an impact on his life, often with significant changes, such as leaving the parental home, finding a job ...

The phobia of school exams can be linked to the fear of not being up to the task, the fear of losing control, the fear of succeeding or conversely the fear of failure.

In other words, it can be indicative of a great lack of self-confidence.

It often arises from an experience of the phobic's past, which has generated intense negative emotions.

This shock resulted in an emotional blockage in the reptilian brain.

At the idea of ​​reliving such a shock, the reptilian brain revives blocked emotions.

The uncontrolled and irrational fear of passing his school exam returns, going so far as to compromise his presence in front of his jury.

However, it is possible to overcome his phobia of school exams to finally get his precious and coveted sesame.

How to cure the phobia of competitions and anxiety on the eve of exams?

Revising and knowing your lessons perfectly is not enough to calm your anxiety on the eve of the exams.

To cure his phobia of school exams and competitions, it is urgent to release emotional blockages.

This requires accessing the reptilian brain and cleaning it thoroughly.

For more convenience, the process can be started with self-therapy, like my complete “Emotions Detox” program.

Indeed, as a yoga therapist and breathing coach, I wanted to share with you my method of releasing blocked emotions.

“Detox Emotions” is based on yoga postures, the sequence of which results in detoxifying the reptilian brain, evacuating tensions and blocked emotions, thus making it possible to better understand one's graduation exams.

This self-therapy is therefore completely natural and is for everyone.

I will give you the complete presentation of the “Detox Emotions” program, from the technique to its effects, in my free video workshop.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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