How to overcome the fear of ridicule and mockery ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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As the saying goes, ridicule doesn't kill.

To go further, we can also say to ourselves that what does not kill us makes us stronger ...

But for people who suffer from the fear of ridicule and mockery, this reasoning is absolutely not possible.

Fear of Ridicule

Often people who fear the judgment of others and especially criticism have had a very bad experience in public.

They felt so ridiculous in the face of the reaction to the teasing and thinking that the emotions literally got stuck in them.

Since then, this emotional blockage has caused them to live in uncontrolled and irrational fear of going through a similar situation again.

They have developed a phobia, and their reptilian brain analyzes this risk as a proven danger.

The fear of ridicule and mockery induces a serious lack of self-confidence.

People who suffer from the phobia of being judged and criticized often turn in on themselves, avoid the eyes of others, do not dare to assert themselves.

This fear can therefore weigh heavily on their private and professional lives.

However, it is possible to overcome the fear of ridicule and mockery.

How to overcome the phobia of being judged and criticized?

Regaining self-confidence is beneficial.

This makes it possible to dare little by little to reach out to others, to make contacts, to come out of isolation, to dare to speak in public, to dance, to sing, to assert oneself, to simply live.

But to fully overcome one's phobia of being judged and criticized, it is necessary to get rid of emotional blockages.

Otherwise they will always reappear, awakening old demons from the past.

Unblocking your emotions requires the reptilian brain to be cleaned.

Carrying out work on yourself allows you to do this detox.

For more flexibility, this process can be carried out through self-therapy.

As a yoga therapist and breathing coach, I have chosen to support you in your process by providing you with an entirely natural detox program, "Detox Emotions".

It takes the form of a free video workshop. You will find yoga postures of the tremor, the sequence of which results in the release of emotional blockages and in-depth cleaning of the reptilian brain.

These yoga workshops are articulated in such a way that they are achievable by everyone, including beginners.

Find more information on the complete “Detox Emotions” program in the free video workshop.

❀ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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