How to overcome the fear of rejection from women ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Approaching a woman you like is rarely easy.

The brakes and excuses for not getting started can be multiple.

All of them actually hide a well-targeted fear: the fear of rejection from women, of seeing his attempt at an approach sanctioned with an irrevocable "no".

Fear of Rejection from Women

This fear of rejection manifests a lack of convincing self-confidence, with an extreme attention to the judgment of others towards his person.

The fear of the unknown and the fear of not being in control can also come to mingle with the emotions, because the reaction of the woman approached remains unpredictable.

Having experienced brutal rejection in the past may have triggered a phobia of rejection in women.

The emotions that rushed through the rejection were particularly strong.

The psyche struggled to deal with them, and an emotional blockage may have formed.

Since this shock, approaching a woman at the risk of being rejected and taking a rake is considered something dangerous by the reptilian brain.

However, it is possible to overcome your fear of rejection of women to finally dare to approach them and meet people.

How to overcome your fear of taking a rake?

Responding to your phobia by seeking to regain self-confidence is very commendable and beneficial.

For this, you have to strive to focus on the positive in yourself and in your life, on your successes.

Small everyday transformations, such as a little more sport, asserting oneself in a meeting, changing your hairstyle or wardrobe, eating healthier ... can contribute to well-being.

But to deeply heal his fear of taking a rake and his fear of rejection from women, it is necessary to cleanse the reptilian brain to release emotional blockages.

This process can be achieved through simple measures, regardless of the age and intensity of the blockages.

As a breathing coach and yoga therapist, I suggest you follow my complete “Detox Emotions” program to regain the ability to approach women without a visceral fear of rejection.

My solution allows you to detox the reptilian brain, to clean it in depth, by releasing blocked emotions.

“Detox Emotions” will lead you to perform a series of yoga postures.

You will physically see the effectiveness of the detox cure by the tremors that will occur.

I explain all this to you in my free video workshop.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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