How to overcome the fear of pretty women (seduction) ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Pretty women are by definition very attractive.

But they are as much the object of fantasy as of fear.

Indeed, it is not uncommon for them to intimidate those who find them beautiful in their eyes.

Some even develop a phobia of pleasing women.

Fear of Pretty Women

This fear which is expressed in front of her by various symptoms is only due to their exceptional beauty.

Their personalities and behavior are in no way involved in this perceived intimidation.

We very often find in people who suffer from this fear of pretty women a great lack of self-confidence.

When faced with a woman they find pretty, they won't feel up to it.

They don't consider themselves legitimate to receive the attention of the person they like.

Most often, they will not dare to start a game of seduction, or even simply speak to him.

The lack of self-confidence finds its explanation in the past of the phobic.

Triggers can take different forms: mockery, humiliation, mistakes that have resulted in significant consequences or even a painful sentimental break with a pretty woman, for example.

Whatever it is, this moment in the past has strongly marked the psyche of the phobic.

The emotions felt then were very strong and not overcome.

The emotional blockage that has formed still determines feelings of fear in front of pretty women today.

It is possible to put an end to this phobia of women who please, to finally dare to meet them.

How to cure your phobia of pleasing women?

Suffering from a lack of self-esteem is very disturbing on a daily basis, for the seduction of pretty women as on many other points.

Learning to love yourself again and regain your self-confidence can only be beneficial.

To do this, taking control of your life with simple gestures, going out, playing sports, eating healthy, looking good, performing in your work ... all influence your self-confidence.

But to get the cure of his phobia of attractive women, it is necessary to start a detox treatment for the reptilian brain in order to remove the emotional blockages.

This is quite possible for people who are motivated to heal and are ready to begin self-therapy.

To support you in your process, I have compiled my yoga therapist and breathing coach skills to build a complete program: “Detox Emotions”.

It gives access to the reptilian brain and allows the release of emotional blockages responsible for the phobia.

This program is accessible to everyone, because it is completely natural, based exclusively on yoga postures of tremor.

In a free video workshop, I present to you the “Detox Emotions” program and its benefits in relation to fears, including the phobia of pretty women.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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