How to overcome the fear of pooping (apopathophobia)?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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The work of the kidneys to remove waste from our body is paramount.

Part of this is through the evacuation of stool.

However, this natural and essential process frightens to the point some people, who then suffer from a phobia: apopathophobia.

Afraid to Poop

They experience extreme symptoms of embarrassment and anxiety when they feel the need to go to the bathroom.

The manifestations are often acute, up to the panic attack.

To remedy this, apopathophobes avoid places without sanitary facilities, trips outside the home that are too long or make sure they can defecate before, by taking laxatives for example.

This phobia often finds its origins in a traumatic shock related to the stool, which occurred in the past of the phobic person, sometimes from a very early childhood.

This can be for example a consequence of a humiliation or a punishment linked to a cleaning "accident".

This event of the past marked with exaggeration the psyche of the person, his reptilian brain.

A dull anxiety awakens each time the situation reminds the unconscious of it, in other words, each time you need to go to the toilet.

The phobic person is the victim of an emotional blockage, which prevents him from going beyond this feeling of danger.

How to cure your phobia to defecate (go to the bathroom)?

It is possible to cure a phobia to defecate, whatever its origin or duration, whether it is focused on having diarrhea or on defecating more generally.

Identifying the trigger for the phobia is always necessary in a healing process.

The other essential element is to proceed to the release of emotions and to cleanse the reptilian brain.

For this, following self-therapy is the easiest solution to access the unconscious and change your perception of things, without denying the past, which is part of you anyway.

Me Loris Vitry, yoga therapist and breathing coach, I worked tirelessly on my own technique of releasing emotional blockages.

The fruit of my work is the complete “Emotions Detox” program, which I present to you in a free video workshop.

This self-therapy results in the evacuation of emotional blockages, thanks to a yoga technique that I call tremor yoga.

Ultimately, "Detox Emotions" quite simply allows you to overcome your phobia to defecate.

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Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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