How to overcome the fear of periods ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Menstruation is a natural phenomenon that all women go through, from puberty to menopause.

The menstrual cycle plays an essential role in the gift of life.

However, periods can be a real phobia for some women.

Conquer the Fear of Menstruation

This fear can be linked to an ignorance of the physical phenomenon of menstruation.

Documenting yourself and talking about your anxieties is a way to better understand the upheavals taking place in the body, and to better manage your anxieties before and during menstruation.

Fear of periods often comes because of seeing blood.

This refers, through an unconscious association of ideas, to a wound, an injury, a serious situation, which may even be associated with a vital risk.

It is not with the rules, but the reptilian brain can associate this vision of blood with a notion of danger.

The emotions and sensations that are exacerbated with the approach of menstruation can also contribute to the exaggeration of the feeling of the reptilian brain.

However, it is not essential to suffer every month.

Period phobia can be overcome with a simple measure, within the reach of all women.

How to overcome your phobia about menstruation?

Indeed, it is possible to refine the judgment of the reptilian brain, and therefore to lead it to change its perception of menstruation, by making it consider them as a non-dangerous factor.

Only one solution gives access to his reptilian brain to be able to re-educate him about the menstrual cycle: learn to control his breathing.

The first step is to regulate your breath.

Under the effect of fear, he gets out of control and his rhythm is jerky. Normalizing your breathing allows you to relax your body, release internal flows, and relax your mind.

Concentrated on the rhythm of the breath, thoughts come and go, emptiness takes place in the mind, which is the perfect time to instill in the reptilian brain that the flow of blood during menstruation is normal and harmless.

But that's not all, in yoga, there are plenty of other techniques to free yourself from emotional and psychological blockages.

To gain access to your reptilian brain to free you from the phobia of rules, I set out to design a video workshop for you, completely free.

I have built it through my many years of experience as a yoga therapist and breathing coach.

They also led me to design my own tremor yoga technique, a powerful method of emotional release.

It is her that I present to you in the workshop for the release of your blocked emotions, in order to effectively overcome your fear of the rules.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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