How to overcome the fear of making love (aphrophobia)?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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The fear of wanting to have sex has a name: aphrophobia.

While some see intimate sex as an act of love and / or pleasure, others are terrified of physical desire.

The aphrophobic fears sexuality as a whole, whether it is their own sexual desire or one that they may stir up.

Fear of Making Love

This phobia leads to a withdrawal into oneself.

Indeed, people suffering from aphrophobia flee any situation where the desire could manifest itself.

As a result, their social and especially intimate life suffers greatly.

This panic fear very often comes from a trauma that occurred earlier in the life of the person phobic of desire and sexual relationship.

This emotional shock can, for example, be rape, sexual assault, touching, exhibition ...

This endured violence left a lasting mark on the mind.

The emotions are blocked in the reptilian brain, which sends signals of intense danger in the event of situations akin to desire and sexuality.

However, the fear of making love, of wanting or of being wanted can be overcome, and a more fulfilling intimate life.

How to cure your phobia of intimate sex?

Accepting that physically wanting and being desired is natural and completely normal requires accepting your past. In this regard, therapy can be lifesaving.

It is important to trust yourself, to listen to your feelings and emotions, not to go against your will, to force yourself.

But cleaning the reptilian brain is the surest way to cure your phobia about sex quickly.

By accessing it, emotional blockages will be released.

Emotion Release Therapy acts as a detox for the reptilian brain.

It can be done in self-therapy, as with my complete “Emotions Detox” program.

Yoga therapist and breathing coach, I have indeed worked on the design of my own emotional liberation therapy.

With “Detox Emotions”, which is based on sequences of yoga postures of tremor, access to the reptilian brain is made possible, and emotions can finally be unlocked.

Fears gradually become more controlled, until a complete and lasting disappearance of the phobia.

The terrible events of the past will not be forgotten, but they become more manageable, giving way to a more open future.

I present to you my complete program “Detox Emotions” in a video workshop made available to you free of charge.

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Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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