How to overcome the fear of judgment from others (blemmophobia) ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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We are constantly subject to the judgment of others.

We ourselves make judgments about others, even unconsciously.

Which encourages us to show ourselves in our best light.

Even so, the opinions of others can sometimes be hurtful.

This is what blemmophobes fear.

They take to heart the judgment of others on their person, and they do not take criticism.

They constantly seek approval, until they become dependent on the gaze of others.

Fear of Judgement

Faced with this fear of judgment, people suffering from blemmophobia implement avoidance strategies.

They can limit contact with others, isolate themselves, be very discreet so as not to attract attention.

This has repercussions on their social life, both private and professional.

Fear of the gaze of others can be likened to a lack of self-confidence, to poor self-esteem.

It is most often in the person's past that the trigger for blemmophobia can be identified.

A traumatic event, such as repeated mockery, for example, took root in the reptilian brain, where emotions were blocked.

Since then, the phobic has lived in fear of reliving the situation.

Due to emotional blockages, his brain systematically analyzes the gaze and judgment of others as potentially dangerous.

However, it is possible to tame this irrational fear to dare to face the gaze of others, which moreover often remains benevolent.

How to free yourself from your dependence on others?

Regaining self-confidence is a significant asset to better support the eyes of people.

This can go through different stages from one person to another: a makeover, sports, a diploma, a promotion, a big contract ...

It is about setting achievable goals and focusing on your achievements.

But to overcome dependence on others and the phobia that accompanies it, one step is essential: the release of emotional blockages.

It consists of a deep cleansing of the reptilian brain, so that it succeeds in balancing its reactions and no longer remaining conditioned by the events of the past.

Access to the reptilian brain and the release of blocked emotions can be achieved by doing work on yourself.

Self-therapy is the most practical solution to implement.

Thanks to my skills of yoga therapist and breathing coach, I have designed a complete program to allow you to proceed with this process: “Detox Emotions”.

Entirely natural since based on sequences of yoga postures of trembling, it leads to the delivery of blocked emotions and thus allows to silence his blemmophobia and to free himself from his dependence on others.

Find complete information on the “Detox Emotions” program in my free video workshop.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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