How to overcome the fear of horses ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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The horses have always accompanied the men.

They have participated in the cultivation of the fields, in the maintenance of the forests, in travel ...

They are now partners in leisure and sport, such as betting and horse riding.

If they are a real passion for some, the hair is on the contrary feared by others, sometimes to the point of phobia.

Approaching a horse is a real ordeal, and riding a horse is just inconceivable.

Fear of Horses

The fear can relate to the fact that the animal could become uncontrollable, that it sets off at a gallop without being commanded to do so.

The fear of a bite is also often the subject of fear.

The fear of failing like the fear of winning can also manifest itself in competition.

But it is the risk of falling that centralizes the fear of riders the most.

A bad past experience can be the trigger for horse phobia.

An animal that has escaped from its enclosure, an impromptu kick, a fall, the loss of control of its equine companion can for example be the generators of fear.

The emotions felt during the occurrence of this event got stuck in the reptilian brain.

Indeed, they were so strong that the psyche could not manage them.

They have since remained in memory in the reptilian brain, and are reactivated in the presence of a horse.

However, it is possible to overcome your fear of horses to rediscover the pleasure of rubbing shoulders with this powerful and majestic animal.

How to cure your phobia of riding a horse?

To cure his phobia of riding, it is necessary to treat the source of the phobia: emotional blockages.

The process of delivering blocked emotions involves a deep cleansing of the reptilian brain, to regain the ability to look at a horse, to approach it, to touch it and then to ride it.

Access to the reptilian brain is made possible by self-therapy which acts as a detox treatment for the psyche.

As a yoga therapist and breathing coach, I offer you a complete program that is part of this process: "Detox Emotions".

This detox cure is based on the sequence of yoga postures that unlock the emotions, and whose evacuation is manifested by tremors.

Simple and natural, this all-natural process can be followed by anyone, even by people who have never practiced yoga.

The goal is to facilitate your access to the reptilian brain, the release of emotional blockages and, at the end of the day, the cure of the phobia of the horses.

I tell you more in my free video workshop.

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