How to overcome the fear of falling in public (basophobia)?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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The fear of walking and falling in public may seem extravagant, yet it is very real and its impact on the lives of those who suffer from it is very strong.

In cases of extreme phobia, people limit their movements as much as possible, isolating themselves from the outside world and society by staying at home.

Fear of Falling in Public

This phobia is often accompanied by the sensation of not walking normally and therefore attracting attention in a malicious way, with a significant risk of falling.

The reptilian brain of the basophobic person therefore detects a potential danger, and sends warning signals to the body and mind.

The fear of walking and falling is then triggered, until it takes control of thought and prevents movement outside the home.

Moving around in your home can also be a source of anxiety.

It is possible to overcome your fear of falling in public and gradually regain the ability to evolve outside of home.

How to cure your fear of walking and falling on the ground?

To walk outdoors despite your fear of falling, gradual outings can help you regain self-confidence.

By dint of noting that you have not fallen, your insurance will increase and you will be able to gradually extend your outings or choose paths with more obstacles.

You can also be accompanied, giving your arm to someone allows you to be caught if you stumble.

Tools like trekking poles can also help.

You can also walk along the walls or near the street furniture which you can catch up on if necessary.

But to overcome your basophobia completely, you will need to seek the answers and resources deep within yourself.

By accessing your reptilian brain, you will be able to release those emotions that block you in your fear of walking and falling to the ground.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to start a process of self-therapy, in order to cleanse the unconscious.

The reptilian brain is then able to integrate new suggestions that will modify its perception of things, and in particular the notion of falling in public while walking.

Through my work as a yoga therapist and breathing coach, I designed a therapy for the release of blocked emotions and access to the reptilian brain, thanks to a method of yoga inducing body tremors.

My complete program is called “Emotion Detox”.

I present it to you in my free video workshop, to accompany you in your process of healing from basophobia.

❀ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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