How to overcome the fear of dogs (cynophobia) ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Dogs are among the most common pets.

The number of dog breeds is also regularly reassessed.

Many are pampered companions, bringing happiness to their masters and children.

They also contribute to defense and security.

But it also happens that these domestic four-legged companions arouse fear.

We are talking about cynophobia.

Fear of Dogs

The fear of dogs relates to the sometimes uncontrolled character of the animal, which does not hesitate to manifest itself in a very invasive way, hopping around or on a person when it arrives.

Barking can also be dreaded.

The same goes for the much feared bite risk.

Even dog accessories, such as collars or bowls, and drawings and photos of dogs create a feeling of unease.

It is often a bad experience with a dog that is the source of the phobia, as a victim or as a witness.

A biting or aggressive barking could have caused such fear that emotions got stuck in the reptilian brain.

Since then, every dog ​​has been considered a danger.

However, it is possible to change this perception and overcome your fear of dogs, to feel more comfortable in their presence.

How to overcome your phobia of dogs?

Viewing documentaries on dogs helps to better understand their reactions.

It can also be interesting to speak with trainers who will be able to inform you and give you valuable advice on the canine breed.

It can be a first step in taming your fear of dogs.

But to overcome his phobia of dogs, it is necessary to achieve the release of emotional blockages that obstruct and condition the reptilian brain, otherwise these animals will always be feared and associated with a notion of risk.

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Its effect is obtained through sequences of yoga postures of the tremor, an entirely natural process easy to implement.

I present to you in detail the complete program "Detox Emotions" in a free video workshop.

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