How to overcome the fear of closed spaces?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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A confined space is conducive to privacy, cocooning.

But for some people, it is above all the feeling of being caught in the piece, an intense source of anguish and anxiety, to the point of phobia.

It is one of the most common, and it is called claustrophobia.

Fear of Closed Space

Claustrophobia manifests itself in any enclosed or narrow place, such as elevators or blind rooms.

The claustrophobic puts a lot of energy into avoiding them, under penalty of being invaded by symptoms which are at least bothersome: tachycardia, cold sweats, nausea, respiratory problems ...

Claustrophobia finds its source in an emotional shock that occurred in the past of the claustrophobic, and that his subconscious has not been able to overcome.

This shock is deeply rooted in him, blocking the emotions in the reptilian brain, from where they spring back, unconsciously, each time he finds himself confronted with a similar situation.

However, these emotions can be unlocked to cure his phobia of closed spaces.

How to cure phobia of confined spaces?

Talking about your phobia is essential.

Not being alone and not isolating yourself is important when dealing with this type of fear.

Gradually confronting your phobia can be a way to gradually tame it.

Airing the space, opening windows and doors, can also help.

Avoiding confined spaces is a strategy often implemented by claustrophobes.

It has the merit of preventing the onset of a crisis, but it does not cure the root of the problem.

Because it is the emotional blockage in the reptilian brain that is involved.

Curing his phobia of closed and confined spaces therefore requires access to his reptilian brain, to clean it.

For this, therapy to release emotional blockages is necessary.

The process of unconscious detox can be implemented in self-therapy.

Yoga therapist and breathing coach, I have designed my own concept of emotional liberation, “Detox Emotions”.

With this comprehensive self-therapy program, which is largely based on yoga postures of tremor, access to the reptilian brain is made possible, and emotions can finally be released.

The phobia gradually recedes until it disappears to give way to well-being.

The events of the past are not forgotten, but the emotion they arouse is better managed, and they can then give way to the present.

I present to you my complete program “Detox Emotions” in a video workshop made available to you free of charge.

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Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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