How to overcome the fear of birds (ornithophobia) ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Birds are often associated with positive things: we say "as cheerful as a chaffinch", the swallows come back in the spring, the cuckoo can be a harbinger of wealth ...

But their melodious songs and their grace make birds nonetheless. that can arouse terror.

We are talking about ornithophobia.

Overcome the Fear of Birds

This fear of birds can affect all birds (including farmyard animals) or focus on a particular breed.

We note in particular a prevalence of fear of pigeons and crows.

The phobia can also only affect one characteristic of the bird: its talons, beak or feathers.

The fear of birds often concerns dead birds in particular.

The phobic, by trying to avoid birds, can gradually limit his outings, isolate himself and cut himself off from the world.

Although quite rare, bird attacks can occur and explain unreasonable fear.

The phobia comes mainly from the fact that the dead bird is often a child's first encounter with death.

This impressive fact strongly marks the mind, arousing strong emotions.

An emotional blockage can then be created at the level of the reptilian brain, which now associates the bird and death, giving rise to fear of a danger for the phobic.

However, it is possible to cure their phobia of birds, pigeons and various birds.

How to cure your phobia of pigeons and other birds?

Learning about bird life can be a way to be less afraid of it.

Understanding their functioning, their reaction, their habits is a way to better understand the proximity of birds.

Little by little, it is also possible to strive to observe them.

But to cure his phobia of pigeons and other birds, releasing the emotional blockages trapped in the reptilian brain turns out to be the most effective solution.

Because chasing away these underlying emotions that emerge at the slightest mention of a bird is the condition for being able to definitively overcome your fear.

This requires a deep cleansing of the reptilian brain.

This process is accessible to everyone through self-therapy.

My expertise as yoga therapist and breathing coach will be useful to you in your efforts to fight orthinophobia.

So I have chosen to support you through a complete program, “Detox Emotions”.

Based only on sequences of yoga postures of tremor, it will give you all the keys to access your reptilian brain in order to give it a detox cure and finally be freed from the phobia of birds.

I tell you more in my free video workshop.

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Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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