How to overcome his fear of men who I like ?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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While some women are at ease with seduction, others feel particularly intimidated by men they like.

They feel fear in their presence as well as the idea of ​​having to take the first step to seduce them.

Fear of Sexy Men

This fear of attractive men is expressed through various symptoms.

The trouble comes only from the charm of the man, his attitude towards the charmed person is in no way responsible for this uncontrolled and irrational fear.

Lack of confidence is found in people suffering from the men they like.

They are afraid of rejection, thinking that they have no chance to arouse the interest of the coveted man.

This low self-esteem can prevent them from approaching the other, and what is more from seducing him.

This lack of self-confidence often stems from an event that occurred in the phobic's past.

Teasing, harsh reflections or a breakup can have been hard to live with, to the point of generating emotional blockages in the psyche.

Various emotions could have been felt, such as anger, sadness, shame, fear, without having been able to be managed.

The reptilian brain remains conditioned by blocked emotions, and interprets as dangerous an attempt to seduce a pleasant man.

Fortunately, it is still possible to overcome your phobia to dare to approach a man for whom you feel attraction.

How to overcome your phobia of men in love (seduction)?

To dare to take the first step towards an attractive man, it is important to regain self-confidence.

Taking time for yourself is important, as is having a benevolent look at yourself, remembering your successes, your successes.

But to obtain the cure of his phobia of men in love, work on oneself is necessary at the psychic level.

Carrying out a detox cure to cleanse the reptilian brain in depth is the solution to release the emotional blockages that generate this phobia of men who please.

Detoxification of the reptilian brain can be accomplished through self-therapy.

To support you in your process of healing the phobia of men in love, I have built a complete program on the basis of my skills as yoga therapist and breathing coach: "Detox Emotions".

It helps release emotional blockages and detoxify the reptilian brain, to overcome its phobia.

It is completely natural and accessible to all, because it is based on sequences of yoga postures of the tremor.

I present to you the “Detox Emotions” program in my free video workshop.

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Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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