How to overcome fear of crowds (ochlophobia)?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

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Some places are very busy, and the crowd quickly becomes dense: public transport at peak times, shopping malls during the holiday season, places at festivals ...

If it happens to all to feel oppressed or uncomfortable during a high traffic, for some people, finding themselves in such a situation is unthinkable.

This gives them a panicked, intense and irrational fear.

This phobia is called ochlophobia.

The fear of leaving home can lead ochlophobes to isolate themselves, to withdraw into themselves to escape the discomfort that invades them when they are plunged into the crowd and to avoid the disturbing symptoms they feel, such as palpitations, cold sweats, nausea, panic attacks ...

This fear most often finds its origin in the face of an emotional shock.

This starting point can be identified or not, and it determines the feeling for each crowd situation that the phobic person will face.

Indeed, the trauma is deeply rooted in the reptilian brain.

Emotions are blocked there.

However, it is possible to correct this situation, release emotional blockages and put an end to one's fear of panicking of the crowd.

How to overcome people's phobia (too many people)?

To overcome your phobia of people, you can force yourself to go out of your home regularly, gradually surrounding yourself with more and more people.

This method can be long and trying.

For lasting results, a deep cleansing of the reptilian brain is recommended.

By accessing his unconscious, the objective is to free him from the emotional blockages that encumber him and which prevent him from enjoying his life to the full.

Emotional blockade release therapy acts like a psychic detox. It can be practiced in self-therapy.

Yoga therapist and breathing coach, I propose to you, to succeed in your goal of overcoming the phobia of the crowd, my own therapy to release emotional blockages.

My complete program, called “Detox Emotions”, aims to cure phobias, including the fear of being in the middle of a crowd, when there are too many people.

Focused on yoga postures, and even tremor yoga, “Emotions Detox” ensures the release of blocked emotions that hinder his well-being, with a deep cleansing of the reptilian brain.

I give you more information on this subject in a free video workshop.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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