How to manage your stage fright?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Stage fright does not only concern artists before entering the stage.

It can be felt in many other circumstances in which we have to speak in public, such as a job interview, an oral examination or a sales presentation for example.

Manage Stage Fright

In small doses, stage fright can encourage us to want to do well, to progress, to move forward.

However, it is often felt very strongly, and its effects are not the same.

It becomes paralyzing, disabling, sometimes causing flight in front of the obstacle.

Stage fright can be likened to great apprehension, to fear.

This fear often relates to the judgment of others towards him and the risk of failure.

It is in fact a reaction of the reptilian brain which, faced with this situation of intervention in public, considers it potentially dangerous.

Indeed, the reptilian brain analyzes situations according to two factors: dangerous or harmless.

Its judgment is based on knowledge and above all on past experiences.

However, sometimes a bad experience makes something that is harmless at first glance pass into the dangerous category.

We are not necessarily talking here of a vital risk, but of an immediate feeling, mockery, or the stakes of the situation which, in the event of failure, have negative consequences.

For example, failing your exam and having to repeat a year, failing your sales pitch and losing your job ...

Stage fright is a normal emotion, so it cannot be overcome.

Fortunately, it is still possible to tame your stage fright.

Best technique and therapy to manage stage fright

There are many techniques claimed to be effective in overcoming stage fright.

Forcing yourself to think positive thoughts, catching benevolent looks in the audience, always following the same ritual ...

If they can be useful to provide a quality public service, managing your stage fright by breathing is a technique that is proving formidable.

Under the effect of stage fright, breathing becomes disturbed, which blocks the diaphragm and causes dysfunctions.

As you strive to normalize breathing, the diaphragm gradually relaxes.

This phenomenon stimulates the flow of air and energy in the body which relaxes.

The mind also follows the same pattern, because normalizing its breath induces to focus on the rhythm of its inspirations and expirations.

It is necessary to concentrate.

The emptiness is created in oneself, with a feeling of appeasement and the jitters ebb.

To go further, the calm state of mind can then allow ideas to reappear and start again, slowly.

It is a good time to put things into perspective, to give events back their true value, their real importance, and ultimately re-educate the reptilian brain so that it can revise its classification.

But that's not all, there is also a powerful technique to free yourself from your blocked emotions which can also generate a lot of jitters.

To help you normalize and manage your stress, I have condensed the principles of my alternative method for you in a free video workshop.

It is the fruit of years of professional experience as a yoga therapist, which led me to design my own method.

The video workshop explains the main principles of emotional liberation to lead you towards well-being and therefore manage your stage fright better.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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