How to increase your metabolism after 40 to lose belly fat?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Metabolism is all the chemical reactions that take place in the human body to produce energy, chi.

It allows you to stay alive, to reproduce, to do your personal development and it acts in relation to the various stimuli that are in our environment.

Increase Your Metabolism

But with the passing years the metabolism becomes weaker and therefore it is very important to recharge it.

This involves some good reflexes to take, physical exercises to follow so that the body more easily eliminates all the fats and other toxins that we can absorb every day.

How to have a fast metabolism?

Turning 40 is a pivotal age for our metabolism as it is slowly starting to be less efficient.

It must therefore be increased so that it continues to consume calories for energy.

But we just have to change certain habits in our life so that our metabolism does not weaken.

The first thing to do is eat breakfast early.

This first meal is the most important because it allows you to replenish your energy to face a new day.

At this time, the metabolism will not store fat because it needs it to recharge the batteries.

For your metabolism to be fast and efficient, it must always be active.

According to several nutritionists and specialists, we should eat in smaller quantities but more often, as the Taoist masters also affirm.

In addition, we must take at least 15% protein each time.

These make it possible to better stimulate the energy process to eliminate calories by an effect of increasing body heat.

Otherwise, we must limit or even not eat all the dishes prepared.

It is also important to have physical activity as often as possible and on a regular basis, ie at least two or three times a week.

In addition to freeing the mind, sport facilitates the burning of fat and even long after your efforts.

Sports practice also helps keep muscles because we tend to lose them from the age of 40 when we use them less.

A very important point is sleep which allows you to stay in shape.

But especially when we sleep poorly, our body is less efficient at destroying fats and toxins.

You must therefore sleep at least seven hours to maintain the level of testosterone, the star hormone of metabolism, at a correct level.

How to breathe to repair your damaged metabolism?

As the metabolism is used to burn fat, it is less effective in people who are too anxious or stressed.

This is because stress blocks the diaphragm and we have bad breathing, which will damage your metabolism.

In addition, stress can make you fat in some cases, because we sleep less well and we eat very poorly.

If you regain good breathing with an unblocked diaphragm then your metabolism will be able to do its job properly again.

You will be able to be more relaxed and find better sleep which is an essential factor in increasing your metabolism after 40 years.

You must therefore learn how to breathe properly in order to repair your damaged metabolism if it is the case or increase it if you are past the 40 -50 year mark.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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