How to increase oxygen in the blood and the brain?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

As we know, breathing is vital for our heart, our muscles and ultimately our whole body.

The oxygen we breathe in plays a very important role in our blood and brain.

The importance of oxygenating the brain

We mistakenly believe that we breathe for our lungs.

They ultimately only act as an intermediary between our cellular system and the outside world.

It is therefore the cells that capture oxygen, denoted by O in chemical form, which converts the nutrients that we digest into energy.

Without them, we will quickly feel tired.

How to increase oxygen in the blood and the brain

To reach the cells, oxygen is carried by the blood and more particularly the hemoglobin of the red blood cells.

After attaching to its carrier, the air we breathe will be released to enter the cells.

In return, it is carbon dioxide, which is described as a waste of respiration, which clings to hemoglobin and which will reach the lungs to be expelled into the air.

The brain is the sovereign organ of the human body, it is it that controls our functions.

Why does it need to be oxygenated?

Simply because it contains cells that also need oxygen to create energy and keep us alive.

Note that up to 25% of the oxygen entering the human body is consumed by the brain.

How to better oxygenate your blood and your brain?

Under-oxygenation is a lack of oxygen in the tissues.

This is not because there is not enough of it in the air, but rather because the body is unable to assimilate it properly.

Hypoxia, insufficient oxygen, can manifest itself in several situations:

  • Circulatory and respiratory diseases
  • Stress
  • Air pollution
  • Intense physical exercise
  • Smoking
  • Advanced age
  • Altitude

The consequences can range from changes in metabolism (slowing energy production), excess free radicals (degradation of defense systems), to impact on the nervous system.

In order to increase oxygen in his blood and his brain, you will need to change some of your lifestyle habits.

Tobacco prevents the lungs from properly inhaling air and therefore allowing oxygen to attach to the blood.

Stop smoking now, your breathing will improve.

If you are overweight, your breathing is less efficient and more difficult.

Calculate your body mass index (BMI) to see if you need to lose weight.

For this, regular sports practice will burn fat and therefore achieve your goal.

A healthy and balanced diet has a positive effect on the functioning of your body.

It cannot be said enough, eating 5 fruits and vegetables a day and drinking 1.5 liters of water a day are important.

How to breathe well to get good oxygen?

Finally, there is another way to increase oxygen in the blood and the brain: breathing.

Many have bad habits which then influence their health.

The basic rules are to breathe deeply and slowly, through your nose.

If we only use a third of the lung capacity, there is therefore a small amount of oxygen in the red blood cells and therefore ultimately less energy.

Sometimes it helps to cough to clear the airways so that you can breathe easier.

Finally, thanks to precise and detailed exercises, the breathing coach Loris Vitry has developed a free video workshop that will allow you to free your diaphragm and thus feel better in your body.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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