How to improve your cardio in boxing?

Caution : You must consult your doctor for your health. This page presents only a personal and alternative point of view which should not be considered as an attempt to prescribe medicine.

🔥 Intermittent Breathing : Practice this technique 3 x 20 minutes a day to quickly reduce your stress and calm your mind (guaranteed result).

Like many combat sports, boxing isn't all about technique or explosiveness: you have to be tough to be successful.

Boxing, even more than other sports, requires being enduring, having good cardio-respiratory capacities.

And it cannot be invented: you have to work to become more resistant.

How to improve your cardio in boxing

Because it is not enough to bet on technique - even if it is essential - to be able to win.

Often the opponent who holds out the longest has the best chance of winning.

The role of breath

First and foremost, you have to know how to breathe well during exertion, this is the key to becoming more and more enduring.

Gradually, the diaphragm will loosen, no longer be squeezed and will work well.

To achieve this, you have to breathe well between the blows delivered and received.

Which exercises to adopt to increase your cardio?

The jump rope is one of the basic exercises, more difficult than you might think.

It is the first that you learn and practice at each start or end of training.

All muscles are involved, especially the heart.

It is an alternation of short and longer stimulation, with repeated jumps.

The pace can be increased.

You should do several types of exercises with the jump rope for more efficiency (on one foot for example).

Thus, cardio is significantly improved.

Burpees are the most difficult, yet effective, cardio and endurance exercise.

It's a sequence of movements: squat - plank - pump - squat - jump.

We can increase the pace from session to session, to be even more efficient.

The results are quickly visible, because all the muscles are used.

Shadow boxing is also very effective and well known to fans of martial arts and combat sports.

Also called shadow boxing, it consists of a series of boxing gestures (throws, uppercuts, footwork), performed in a vacuum, imagining an opponent in the face.

To do this, we wear our gloves and do a series of movements.

For better cardio, you can also add weights to your wrists and rubber bands.

The punching bag also lets off steam while working on technique, speed and cardio.

What matters is not to hit hard but to string together a series of quick movements.

To work out the cardio, we do a series of 2 minutes interspersed with a minute break, for 30 to 45 minutes in total.

And then also…

You can work on your breath and your cardio by multiplying other sports, such as road cycling (focusing on endurance over long distance courses at constant speed), swimming (swimming at a constant pace but keeping the pace in the time), etc.

All of this should allow you, with regularity and investment, to significantly improve your cardio and breathing, which should also relax you.

However, if your diaphragm is blocked even while doing physical activity, you will have a hard time working your breath and cardio to perform well in boxing.

You must therefore inevitably learn to unblock your diaphragm by performing simple exercises and applying certain tips that you can discover in this free video workshop.

❤ The ultimate guide to breathing

Intermittent Breathing : Discover the method to quickly relieve your anxiety and chronic fatigue (positive effects from the first use).

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